8- Hours And Minutes

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I open the door to my room, sighing as the cold breeze from the window hits me again.

I pull the hoodie I was wearing off and throw it to my bed.

I just had to let go of anything from before, my Mum, my Dad and even that stupid hoodie because, what was it worth now?

I jump down onto the mattress with a bounce, picking back up the jacket from where it lay.

I spot some dodgy stitching and pull there, the fabric tearing easily in my hands.

It was hard to see in this light and I begin to realise how late it had gotten and how tired I felt.

I didn't know how late it was because in here I lost track of time, hours sometimes felt like minutes and minutes sometimes felt like hours.

It was dark and it was late, I hated looking at the clocks because it reminded me of the time I had to spend here.

"What are you doing?" Miles surprises me as he jumps through the window quickly whilst I'm lost in thought.

"Or you could warn me before jumping in here" I roll my eyes, holding my heart as I drop the broken clothing on my lap.

"You'll have to get use to that, news flash, I'm kind of a weirdo" he informs me, pulling off the jumper I had helped him find earlier.

As he lifts it over his head it pulls the dark fabric of his top up too, revealing his chest; he wasn't insanely muscly but it was obvious that all that climbing had done his body well.

"I can practically feel your stare" he throws his jumper at me, it lands on my head and brushes against my messy hair.

"I wasn't staring" I assure his egotistic attitude, putting the jumper onto his own un-made and messy bed.

"I know you were but I'll let it slide this time" he teases, causing another dramatic eye roll from me.

This boy was so full of himself, sharing a room may be tougher than I first thought.

"Anyway, what is that mess?" He asks, picking up on half of the pile on my legs.

"It use to be a hoodie" I tell him with a slight shrug, attempting to take it back from him.

He holds it out of my reach, taking a look over it.

"I'm not going to ask you why or when but I am going to do this" he picks up the other part from me as well, chucking them both out the window before I can protest.

"W-" I jump swiftly up, moving past him and towards the window.

"No" he slams it shut, I feel the walls vibrate as he does "it's gone, forget about it".

I don't have any words because he seemed so sure of himself with his smirk, not even wondering if he'd done the wrong thing.

"I can't believe you did that" I tell him slowly, brushing my hair back with my fingers as I stare at the window still.

"Do you want it back?" He asks me.

I think for a second "No" I shake my head slowly, accompanied by a sigh.

I didn't want it back, I didn't even want to see it but now it was gone I wasn't sure what to think.

"Okay, so we're cool?" he spins around, falling back onto his bed.

"Not if you throw anything of mine out the window again" I state sternly, I didn't want any of my things going for a trip out of our window.

"You need to lighten up, you're killing my mood" he groans, causing me to scowl.

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