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The way is not far
from you to the friend:
you yourself are that way:
so set out along it.

- Hakim Sanai

Maybe you are searching among the branches, for what only appears in the roots.

~ Rumi

"Why are you crying api" Daud touched my tears cautiously.

"I am not  hero.it's just to cold over here" I lied.

"You are leaving na?" he sat beside me sadly.

"We will meet again" I encouraged wiping my tears which didn't wanted to seize.

"I want you to stay with me forever" his eye glistened.

"We can talk on Skype and you can visit me" I combed his hair with my hands.

"Yes" he hugged me tight.

His small hands around me assured me a little peace which I have starting craving...

"Hero your mummy is calling you" I patted his small head.still in my embrace.

"I want to stay here a little more with you" he mumbled close to my heart..

I didn't wanted him to leave either

Kissing the crown of his head I advised him to listen to aunty first which he obliged.

Returning to my previous view of the cold misty garden behind the foggy glass. showcasing my life at the moment all foggy and unclear..

This view had always intrigued me someway or other .It was a routine to look out everyday since I have been here.
But today seeing it didn't gave me peace
It failed to bring a smile on my lips.
It lacked to freshen my heart
It just acted as a mirror of my unstable life.

I haven't seen or talked to my parents since the last encounter.

Despite of me being right I was surrounded by guilt to face them.

It showed me that my constant hard work for being away from any harmful relationship proved to be futile ..because I have failed to gain my parents trust any way..

My father's words still echoes around me .He was right I have ashamed him.

How will I clear this miss understanding.

Since the morning I have seen and sensed the whispers of some aunt's and neighbors relating to my delaying of the proposal

The thing which irritated me was non of them were on my side .

All I could hear was how can I delay such a good proposal,I am being ungrateful,I am a proud girl or maybe I like someone else.

I didn't delay it I refused it but what I came to know is granny has just delayed giving my parents time.

None of my proposals became a night mare never but this..

Umar why did you came in my life..

Now I.wish I shouldn't have come.

I.never thought it will turn out to.be this huge issue..

Not only that today at breakfast I could clearly see the changed behavior of granny and Umar's father..

Will I only get respect if I agree to be with him..

It wasn't that hard to agree but just before that night he threatened me to accuse.I wouldn't be able to walk with him in life...and it's not his love its his craze to get what he desired like he gets everything..

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