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-Loki's POV-

I decided not to go to school today and my parents were fine with it since I had to spill my guts on what happened yesterday. My dad is going into the office today and I'll be here all by myself. Drake offered to come keep me company, but he's still got a cold and I really don't need to get sick. I went back to bed after clearing with my parents that I'll be fine by myself until dad gets home and they finally let up. Now, I'm just laying here, staring at the ceiling, wondering why what happened yesterday happened. Could he really have forgotten? Did he expect me to believe that he did? How could he be so cruel? I hate going to the same school as him. But I just have to endure it for a few more months then I'll be off to college, far away from him. I've already been accepted to go to NAU for their next semester. That's about six states away. He won't follow me there. He's got football. He'd never leave it. And that's the cold, hard truth.

My thoughts get interrupted by the sound of the doorbell.

I groan and look at the digital clock on the table beside my bed. 10:42. Who could it be? It better not be Drake. I already told him to leave me alone until he gets better. I climb out of bed and into my wheelchair. When I reach the door, the doorbell has already been rung a few times. I open it and glare at the asshole doing that. "What do you want?" I ask. I guess I'm a bit grumpy from my thoughts just now.

He smiles down at me with a brow raised. "Can I come in?"

I contemplate it then nod. I found that I can't say no to him. I leave him at the door and go to the living room. He closes the door behind him then makes his way in, sitting on the couch after I motion for him to.

"Why aren't you at school?" He asks.

"I could ask you the same thing."

"I was. When I didn't see you, I got worried and wanted to come check on you."

I tilt my head in confusion. "Why?"

He stutters and fumbles for an answer then he just outright says, "I wanted to make sure he didn't make you cry again." He said it so quickly that I almost didn't understand him.

Why does he care? Its not like we know each other well enough. If it was Drake in his position right now, I'd understand, but this guy was pretty much a stranger to me. Not enough of one to make me feel cautious around him though. I should feel at least a little bit of danger, but I don't and that scares me.

"Did he?" He asks timidly. I shake my head. "Then why weren't you at school?"

I shrug. "Didn't feel like it."

He hums. "Mind if I hang out here for a while?"

"What about school?"

He shrugs, smirking. "Don't feel like it."

I feel a smile tug at my lips and give in for only a few seconds, but not before turning away from him so he can't see it. I don't smile often. Much less around others.

* * * * * *

"What are you doing here, Chase?" My dad asks as soon as he walks into the living room.

"I came by to check on Loki and decided to hang out, if that's okay?"

He nods. "That's perfectly fine. As long as your parents know that you're here and not at school."

"They do. I told them before I came over."

"Okay, well, if you guys need anything, I'll be in my office." With that he leaves.

"Is he a writer?" Chase asks when my dad is gone.


"That's cool. Do you ever meet any of the authors?"

I nod.

We continue to talk, mostly me answering his questions. I feel so comfortable with him. It's weird. It doesn't feel right, but it doesn't feel wrong either.

* * * * * *

I've spent the whole day with this guy and he hasn't pissed me off once. It's really comforting.

"Chase, are you going to be staying for dinner?" My mother asks when she comes in after an hour of being home. He looks at me with a questioning gaze.
I smile and nod slightly. "If you want to." Wait. I smiled.
"Sure. I'll let my parents know. Thanks," he says to my mom.

After dinner, I go with him out the door and to the end of our driveway.

"We should hang out like this again," he says.

"Really? You don't find me annoying or boring?"

He shakes his head as he chuckles. "If I did, I wouldn't have stayed so long, dummy."

I shrug. "Could've just felt bad for me." I look up at him and am shocked by his hurt expression. I don't show it though. I keep on my usual expressionless face.

He sighs. "I don't pity you. There's enough people that annoyingly do. I just want to be your friend, Loki."

My chest tightens at the honesty in his voice. I cast my eyes down and nod. "Okay. I'm sorry."

He lets out a chuckle now. "No need to be. I can only imagine how you feel. I'll be back tomorrow if I don't see you at school. And that's a promise." With that, he smiles and walks across the street to his house.

Today was fun, but I wonder how long this will last.

Can I Love Again? (Boyxboy) *Book 1*Where stories live. Discover now