Who are you?

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Kaizo's POV

I've just arrived the earth.I went to see that earth boy that his name was Boboiboy.When I walk a little further,I saw him at the shop.That sign write 'Tok Aba's Kopitiam'."Are you Boboiboy?" That boy look at me.He's eyes were red and his holding Pang's maroon jacket."Where's Pang?"."He's name is not Pang!!He's name is Fang!!He's in the hospital.Follow me"

I think his mad at me but I just silence.I don't want him to be angry cause his emotions is unstable.At the hospital,Boboiboy was talking to the doctor while I sat down at the chair."Really?!He's awake!!"."Yes but you need to be gentle.I'm afraid his emotions still unstable"Said the doctor.When the doctor leave Boboiboy walk up to me."Fang have awake.Let's go see him"

Me and Boboiboy walk into Pang's room.I was shocked.He's head been bandage and there's a cut under his right eye."Fang?"Said Boboiboy.Fang look at us and said"Who are you?"I look at Boboiboy.He tear up and ran out of the room."Boboiboy wait!"I yell and look at Fang."Big Bro"I walk up at him.I sat beside him."Hey Pang.How's your condition?"I ask him softly.He only look down and shook his head. "I don't know and actually where am I?" I stroke his hair."Your in the hospital.You injured badly"."Big Bro! Can I have carrot donut? I'm hungry" I just smile at him.I get up and walk out of the room.Boboiboy was in front of me.He gave me a small box."This is his favourite donut.Please take good care of him"Said Boboiboy.I took the box."Umm..Thank you and one thing Boboiboy.You need to help me"

Boboiboy look at me."Help you with what?"."If Pang remember a little of you I will tell you.Let the new Pang see you.He will remember you Boboiboy"I said and pat at his head.Then he smile at me."You want to come in with me?" He just nodded.We both walk in.Boboiboy was behind me.Pang look at me."Big Bro!That's quick!"I walk up to him and gave the small box to him.Pang look happy and open it."Yay my favorite!!"He said and took a donut.He eat happily.He's attitude is just when he was 3.Eventhough he is 11."Pang!Let me interview you to my friend"I push Boboiboy to the front."Umm hai!My name is Boboiboy.Nice to meet you Fang!"Said Boboiboy.Fang only wave at him."Hai Boy!You want some?"

Third Person View

Boboiboy was shocked when Fang gave him a nickname.He smile and took a donut.Kaizo only watch them."Big bro!What some?!"Ask Fang.Kaizo shook his head."No I only eat carrot soup"Boboiboy sat beside Fang."I'm so happy that you have awake Fang"Said Boboiboy softly and suddenly he passed out."Boy!O-Oi Wake up!!Boy"Yell Fang.Kaizo walk up to Boboiboy and pick him up.He put him on the sofa."Looks like he's have a fever"Said Kaizo.


In Fang's head

-"You have a terrible fever"

-"Laid on my body"

-"I don't care don't care if someone sees us cause I...Love you"


Out of Fang's head

Fang hold his head.Kaizo saw what happen and quickly get over to him."Are you okay?!"He ask.Fang only nodded."Yes but*Look at Boboiboy*I don't know but I think I know about him"Kaizo gaps and pat on his head."You should rest brother"."Maybe your right Big Bro!"

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