Problems with the elements

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Fang:Ice!! Blaze!! Where did you want to take me?!

Ice:Just follow us Fang


Blaze and Ice push Fang into an empty room that was in Fang's house.Fang fall on his stomach.He look up and shocked.Blaze and Ice gave a death glare to him."G-Guys...Umm...Can we talk about this?"Said Fang.Ice sat on Fang's back and whispers at his ear."Just let us do what we want at you.Just shut up or else we kill you"."B-But what do want to do to me?"

Blaze laid on his stomach in front of Fang and caress his cheek."Your so beautiful when your scared*evil laugh*That's why I like it".Ice get up and pull Fang's back collar making him stand up.Ice and Blaze hug him.

Fang:Can you let me go?



I,B:*Look each other and bite Fang's neck.Realise it*

Fang groan in pain.Blaze and Ice pull away.Fang ran up at the mirror.Ice's biting mark is beside Blaze's.Blaze and Ice walk to his behind.

Ice:Be prepared sweetheart!

Blaze:Yup,be prepared.

Fang:For what?

I,B:For our siblings bites*evil smiles*

Fang:What?!*Turn face to face to them*But why I been bite by the seven of you.

Blaze:You making us worried sick.

Ice:We just want to pay back.

Fang:W-Wait!!Don't do that to me!!

Ice:Shut up!!

Blaze:Next is Solar,Thorn and Taufan.

Ice and Blaze went out of the room.Fang fall down to the floor."Looks like he's ready".Fang shocked and look at the door.Solar,Thorn and Taufan licks their bottom lips."Wait,wait!!I'm not ready yet!!"."Hahaha to late my boyfriend"Said Taufan.

Out of the room...

Halilintar:So how's he taste?

Blaze:Sweet and a little bitter cause he's scared.

Gempa:Yeah suddenly we just wanna do it.He must be scared.

Ice:He gonna be cool with you two,Gempa.

Halilintar:Maybe but why they taking so long?

Gempa:I hope our Fang is okay.

Blaze:Yeah~! Maybe they struggle with Fang.

Then,Fang came out of the room.Now,Fang's neck have five bites."Please~!!Stop!!"He yell."Okay Fang.Our turn is over now is Halilintar and Gempa"Said Thorn.Fang look at them both.Gempa was blushing while Halilintar came as usual."O-Okay..."Said Fang.Halilintar quickly get up and bring him to his room.Gempa only follow him.

In his room,

Fang:Argh that's hurt!!!Hali!!!

Halilintar:Hehehe sorry baby.

Gempa:Your bite is big then the other.I'm scared if Kaizo our brother see it.

Halilintar:Its okay.Gempa hurry up.

Gempa:*gulp and bite Fang's neck*


Gempa:*Look at Fang*Done!

Fang:Ouh dear!I'm exhausted.*faith on Halilintar*

Halilintar hug him and kiss his forehead."Your so cute Fang...".Halilintar laid Fang down and he laid beside him.He quickly asleep."Silly you Halilintar!"Said Gempa and put a blanket on their bodies.

Akira:*from down stairs*I'm back!!!

Gempa:*Ran down*Welcome back.

Kaizo:Where's Fang?

Taufan:He's up stairs with Hali.

Kaizo quickly walk up stairs to check his little brother.He open the door and shock.They both asleep.Kaizo walk closer to them.He saw Halilintar's and Fang's muzzle was inches away.When Halilintar move closer and he suddenly kiss Fang's lips.Kaizo smile and walk out of the room."What are they doing Kaizo?"Ask Akira."They still asleep and I don't want to disturb them"Said Kaizo calmly and walk down stairs.Akira confused and just follow him.

The End

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