Fang hopeless

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In Kaizo's dreams

-"Big Bro!Where are we going?"

-"To your favourite place"


I brought Pang that he's age was 3.He was holding my hand.Then suddenly there's a man with purple suit stand in front of us.He's wearing a white tiger mask.Pang hide behind me."Step aside!"I said with an angry voice.The man smile and took out a gun.He aim at Pang."Pang ran away now!!"Pang only nodded and ran away but then the man shoot him at the leg.Pang fall down and cry.I ran up to him and scoop him up."Don't you ever dare touch him!!"."Why not?!Our aim is your brother to be dead!"Said the man.He open he's mask and I shock."Khairul?!"I said.He is my best friend."Big Bro!!Hurt!!"Said Pang and cry in my chest.I tried to ran away but then I been surrounding."Let me go Khairul!!"

Suddenly he laugh.He walk to me and pat Pang's head.Pang look at him."Your lucky have a brother who is overprotective to you Fang*Took out a black gun with a purple flower on top of it and aim to the ground*I'm white tiger comand you to open the nightmare gate!!"He shot the ground and a big hole appear.I back up a bit but then Khairul push us and we both fall down into the nightmare gate.I land hard on the ground.The hole disappeared and became dark.Pang is still in my hands.i took out a torch that was in my pocket.I switched it on and try to find a way out.Then I saw a tree.It glow purple.I walk up at the tree and sat under it.I take a look at Pang's leg.I need to find something to took out that bullet.Then I have an idea.I took two small branches and slowly dig in Pang's leg.He yell."Shh...Its okay.I'm trying to take out the bullet"I said softly.Oh dear its hard then I thought.If I struck it hard it will hurt Pang and if I accidentally broke the branch it will be a big problem.After 50 minutes,I finally get the bullet out from Pang's leg.I bandage his leg.Pang is asleep.I caress his cheek.Then I saw the vines move to us.I went to Pang and bloom a dark purple rose in front of him.I want to push the vine away but it had tied my right hand.Pang suddenly awake."Beautiful.."Said Pang.

Then the vine push Pang from me and tied his wrist and legs."Help!!Big Bro!!Help!!"."Pang!!*Get up but been push down by the vine.Been tied up*PANG!!!"I saw the dark purple rose went inside Pang's mouth and move out.The petal on the rose is gone.Not a single petal left."Pang?"I call him.Suddenly he yell in pain and cough out blood.I look at the blood and saw the petal of the rose.The dark rose is poison.The vine all gone and I quickly pick Pang up.He's shivering and his face is totally pale.I wipe of the blood away."Big Bro...My...My...My...Heart..Hurt"He said.He's voice is different.He's voice is just a person who is about to die.I don't know what to do.I get up and walk a little further to find away out but it was useless.I been going in circles.I sat back under the tree.I saw Pang hugging himself and tried holding the pain."Pang are you hungry?"Pang look at me.He was sweating badly."No...I'm...not"He said softly.I scooped him up and put him on my lap.He hug me.He's shivering."Big Bro!!My heart hurt so much!!"

Suddenly,Pang vomit blood at my chest."Pang?!!Hey!!!Hold on!!*cried*Your gonna be okay!!Pang!!!"I yell.My tears fall to Pang's face.He's face was very pale.He hold my shirt with his left hand."Big...Bro..."He's eyes close the same.He's hand fall.He doesn't breath or move."Pang?!!Pang!!!Wake up!!!Pang don't leave me alone!!!Pang!!"I shake his little body but he wouldn't move.


Out of Kaizo's dream

Kaizo's POV

I shock and get up.I'm sweating badly.I breath heavily."Oh dear..."."Big Bro?"I look at Pang.He's look at me with worry face."Are you okay?You looks like you have a nightmare"He said.Pang was discharged from the hospital.We both at his haunted house.I wipe of the sweat away.I kiss he's forehead."Nothing my brother.You should sleep"I said.He just nodded and went back to sleep.I laid beside him.I hug him tightly."Don't to tight!!"."Sorry Pang"

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