•Back In The ER•

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((by the way, that's Allie^^))

Allie's POV
I wake up staring at the night sky. My head hurts and I hear sirens.
"Oh my gosh no- wait you're back!!" I hear Loren crying. "Oh my gosh- your head!! Your head is bleeding!!"
I quickly sit up and reach my hand up to my head. I take it away and see blood all over my hands. No, this isn't happening.
"W-what happened? I-I feel l-like i'm going t-to throw-"
I bent over and threw up on the side of the street. The police car drove away with Zach banging at the window. I could hear him screaming but I couldn't tell what he was saying.
"Okay, sit down hun." I hear a voice say. I look up and see a doctor over top of me holding back my hair. I lay down with my head in his lap.
"W-what happened?"
"I need you to breathe, okay? Try to stay conscious."
"I-I'm trying but I just-"
"Calm down, okay?" Loren is crying but holds back her tears. "Geo and Zach are going to be okay. Zach needs you, think of him."
I drift off thinking of Zach. All I want right now is for him to be here, holding me. But he's not, he's in jail.

"Okay 1..2..3." they lift me onto the stretcher and I lay there, hopelessly. Loren is running beside me and gets into the ambulance with me. I'm trying to recall what happened, but I can't. All I remember is Zach.

We arrive at the emergency room and they take me straight to a white room. The room is boring, the sheets are navy blue and the walls are white. They look dirty too. There's shots lined up beside of me, on a table. A doctor walks in and asks me questions.
"What's your name?"
"Where are you from?"
"When is your birthday?"
"June 22nd, 2000."
"Okay good honey. We're going to take some x rays of your head. So let's go over to the next room, okay?"
I slowly stand up and limp. My knee hurts really bad.
"Why are you limping? Oh no, your knee." the doctor looks concerned.
"Umm, I don't know. I guess I was so worried about my head that I didn't look at my knee." I start to fall but the doctor catches me.

"Let's get some x-rays. I have a feeling this might be a minor concussion..."

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