chapter 7

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after half hour had passed the girls moved from the living room to the kitchen where they could keep their minds of the soacking girl on the sofa.  Alec continued to pre pare the meal that luka had started.
"Do you know how many weeks along you are?" Alec asked Emily "6 I belive I have a doctors appointment on Thursday that's why I told you I was hoping you would come with me to make sure but know that luka knows about it I'll drag him to it" Emily replyd mindlessly string the bolanze.

"EMILY?" Luka shouted though from Alec's room Emily pocked her head round the corner of the kitchen "im in the kitchen" she said loudly obviously trying not to wake girl on the sofa  there where several thuds as luka staggered into the living room followed by a "who's that" as he walked though crashing at Emily feet on his knees "Emily baby I thought you ran off" "no I wouldn't do that" "baby baby baby" Luka cride as he hugged Emily he stopped suddenly and pushed away from Emily starring at her stomach "my baby I have a baby, ... in your stomach our baby..." realising and taking it into account  rushing to his feet and back out into the living room and to his room and running back. Dropping once again to his knees at Emily foot taking her left hand in his, he open his right to revile a ring. Small and silver with white dinminds ether said of an emerald "Emily even though this may seem like I'm doing this because your carrying my baby it's not I was gonna do this anyway" he breathed Alec watched as Emily blushed with awkwardness and excitement " Emily melisa Rochester I know you better than I know myself and I have spent many a night thinking of the girl I want to grow old with and every time I think about it can't get you out of my head so would you Emily melisa Rochester make me the happiest man on earth by becoming my wife?" He breathing picked up and he grew white "I uh of course I would" Emily replyd with shocked and amazment " what just happend" Alec said sitting on the floor " well your big brother just got engaged to the most beautiful woman on earth " he said standing and pulling  Emily into a slimy kiss "ew" Alec wined covering her eyes and walking out of the kitchen and in to the living room. To find the draw luka had kept the ring in on the floor with its contents scattered across the carpet. Alec picked up the draw and placed it back in the cabinet and started to pick up the things and planting them back in the draw.
Noticing the light coming from her room she  went to close the door only to find the mysterious girl was no longer laying on the sofa, everything else lay dorment expect her bedroom door. Curious she went into her room dark as it was and switched on the light.
the dark haired girl sat in front of her desk looking at the book the libraryan  had given her flicking though the pages occasionlly stopping and examining it as though there was somthing writen on the page.

Alec cleared her throte and the girl looked up and smiled "Alec " she whispered her voice was so raw, Alec didnt know how the girl could still talk.
"Ill be back in a minute I'm just gonna fetch you a towel"Alec said with worry that the girl was still soaking wet, she went out she signalled Emily that the girl was awake, going into the bathroom, it wasn't a big bathroom but it wasn't small ether it had just enough room for her and Luca, there was round built in sink the toilet was just behind the door and the bath was straight in front of the door on the opposite side of the room, luca had installed a shower when he first moved in. The walls where black with light blue tiles and the floor was a mixture of colours in a marble effect. Alec had always loved how dark it was in that room when It came to soaking in the bath. She grabbed a black towel from the radiator that was next too the bath.

When Alec went back into her room she found her brother and Emily in their trying to talk to the young girl. She turned towards Alec when she come in and just stared at her, "luca go and get a hot chocolate for her put some cough sirup in it her throte sounds like a tiger had a go at it" Alec asked wrapping the blanket round her, Emily went with him to explain what had happened while he was out cold.
Alec sat down with the girl "who are you? " Alec asked sitting down on the bed the girl hadn't moved from the desk and was still staring at her.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 02, 2018 ⏰

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