chapter 6

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Emily helped Alec move Luka on to her bed and migrated into the living area.

Alec sat down on the sofa with a glass of Black Tower wine passing a glass of black current to Emily knowing full well wine was a bad idea for both mum and baby.

"i know this sounds horrible but will you keep It?" Alec asked

"Yes I feel every life deserves a chance at life no matter how that life started and if it gets too much for me theirs always foster homes and adoption schemes but I wouldn't lose contact because its horrible to feel as thou you were born not to be loved and just thrown away" she said thoughtfully. Alec was shocked because she never thought of adoption as an option for Emily, She didn't see her as the kind of woman to give up on anything no matter how lost of a course it was.

Alec was about to reply to this when someone knocked on the door.

" hold that thought" Alec said standing and skipped to the door. the door didn't have a pep hole to see who was out side Alec had bugging Luka to fix that as she didn't know who would turn up at the door, she used to wish on of his ex's would turn up when Emily was here so that he would have a reason to put a pep hole in the door so he knew to open the door or not. Alec was always scared she  would open the door to her parents, if she opened that door in real life she knew she couldn't close it in mentally.

"hello" Alec said opening the door to just a crack so if she needed she could shut it as quickly as she opened it maybe faster.

on the other side of the door was a girl around the same age as Alec a little taller and had black glossy hair with blond streaks, her cloths where a mix of old fashioned and modern clothing, and drenched from the non-existent rain, her skin was pail and the colour was draining from her face as she looked up at Alec with her black irises poring her soul on to Alec.

"Alec.." the girl said dropping to the floor pushing the door open as she did so.

"Emily come help me please" Alec shouted trying to pull the girl though the door, she seamed oddly familiar to Alec.

Emily climbed over the sofa and held the girls legs careful not to let the girls skirt fall, the two carried the girl to the sofa laying her down Alec went to get a glass of water, a ham sandwich an a damp cloth, for the mysterious girl.

"what do you think happened ?" Alec asked Emily joining her on the floor next to the girl, Alec reached up and placed the folded damp cloth on the brow of the girls head, then pulled a blanked out from behind  the pillow of the sofa and placed it atop the girls body hoping to give her more warmth.

"i don't know its not been raining so who knows maybe she fell in the duck pond?" Emily replied thoughtfully.

"maybe ... its just she said my name. I recognise her but I don't know her." Alec said sitting back down next to Emily.

"could she be from your school?"



Alec and Emily spun their heads towards her bedroom, standing Alec cantered towards the door, pushing the it open she found Luka sound asleep and the book the librarian gave her on the floor, open to the first page. the page seamed to have age but looked new with brown scribbles on it but when she looked closer and concentrated she saw the girl from the living room, the words beneath read 'comfort is not always the best option'. Alec closed the book and carefully moved out the room took it though for Emily to look at.

"Emily look at this it the girl" passing the book to Emily Alec sat down next to the girl.

"what I don't see anything but blank paper" Emily replied confused.

"oh okay then it just me then" taking back the book and placed it on the coffee table in front of her, woundering if she had realy seen what she had seen and if the book was warning her.

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