chapter 3

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Alec had said to the clark to meet her at the back of the shop. She followed the path that lead to that book shop. There was a block of buildings well flats realy and behind it was the book shop. The book shop so old you couldnt see its name. She walked past it involuntarily looking in.
She knocked on the back door of the shop where jason worked and where she soon would be working except Saturdays. She should probably tell him she couldnt work on a Saturday. Saturday was her day where she could swim, listen to music and she didnt want to lose that time, she needed that time.
The door swung open nerly taking alecs nose off with it, jason stood at the death trap of a door, his jet black hair grayed skruffy as if he had been pulling at it. he had a apron on and flour all over him probably why his hair was grayed. "thank god your here... uhr can you .... um bake" he asked egerly yet nervusely scraching the back of his head

"i believe so what do you need my asistence with?" she asked hopping to salvage what had obviously gone wrong

"bread"he said looking at the floor ashamed with him self.

"oh i'll show you"said alec taking jasons apron from him and tied it tightly over her uniform. retiying her blond hair in a lose bun at the back of her head

"where is the kitchin?" she asked picking up her bag and placing her left hand on her hip waiting for him to stop staring at her she started to tap her right foot eger to help jason like he helped her that morning. jason turned on his heals and lead her to the kitchin.

alec chocked as she walked in to the kitchin as jasons last batch of bread had started to burn. she grabbed the oven glove from the counter and though the door open creating a loud clang, with in a second the burnt bread was under cold water of the sink, even though alec knew she could have used ether tempiture.

alec washed her hand started on the bread mixture.

hour and a halve  later they had the resapy and times stuck in their heads

"cook blind for halve an hour ... what am i talking about?" jason asked flopping on the sofa in the starffroom alec laughed

"the angel knows" she said singel mindedly refuring to the mortal instruments

"the who" he asked staring at her

"no the angel not the who" she said getting sassy with him

"what oh oh i see what you did there missy" he said finaly relising what she ment

"no who is the angel you keep talking about because by god your more than an angel" he fineshed and replyed in flirtation as if he knew her well.

"the angel razil and im half angel not anything more" she said huffing at his remark sitting next to him


"razil the angel of battle creator of nephilim, savior of earth" she remarkes with a little disgust but not enough to offend him, she hoped.

"oh him we are best buds we are" he nugged her sholdier mocking her. alec reached for her bag and pulled out a book

" the city of bones" he read aloud slowly she past him the book, he filpped it over and read the blurb.

"looks good could i borrow it?" he asked

alec had never let anyone touch her books let alown borrow a book that was this preshush to her befor. she was hesitent but no one ever had an interest in her befor and she didnt want to push him away so she gave in, she didnt know him that well but she felt she could trust him. plus he was already holding it that took her back a bit, he was holding her book, so befor she could snatch it from his hands she said "sure let me know when your done with it" she handed him a book mark because she had never folded the pages of a book over so the book would last as long as possible, because it was what made her hole.

" we should get the bread out" jason said looking at the clock, they walked though and alec handed him the oven glove

"here you go i dont want to take all the credit" she said smiling and grabbing her coat and bag

"leavig so soon?" he asked pulling the hot bread out of the oven

"yes i have homework i'll see you tomorrow for work" and stalked of out of the back of the building.

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