chapter 5

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When Alec finally reached her shared flat- It wasn't much as she shared it with her slut of a brother Luka, who disgustingly deflowered every piece of furniture in the living room and refused to clean up after himself even though he's supposed to be more mature- Alec found Luka on the phone and as she heard him say her name a couple of times she new her parents where on the other end. Alec sighed as she slammed her door shut trying to remove the bad energy going though her from being reminded that her parents are actually surviving with out her. Alec was still mad about the incident that made her come running hopelessly to her elder bother to protect them.

fumbling in her bag Alec pulled the grey book out and placed it on her desk, flicked the light on and opened the book to the first page and willed it to tell her something that might help her escape.

"Al?" Luka mumbled though her door, snapping her out of her thoughtful trance.

"Humm" she mumbled back.

"is it safe for me to come in?" he asked pulling the handle down but not moving the door.

"Ya" Alec replied miserably. Luka opened the door and slumped on her bed, that was when Alec noticed his red eyes.

"what's up bro?" trying to hide her worried expression which obviously didn't work because Luka got up and hugged her, Alec hugged back trying to seem all motherly for him. They for ten or so minutes with Alec rubbing Lukas back and them both crying.

"they- they found the driver!" Luka finally told Alec . Alec didn't mind him taking ages to tell her because he would always tell her when he was ready but she wasn't ready to here that yet.

when Alec didn't respond Luka stood and left mumbling something about dinner and Emily coming over soon - or the girl he's currently dating Alec had given up on remembering their names.

tuning around she closed the grey book and turned on her music had it playing out loud and in her headphones so she drowned her thoughts of her sister who was killed the night she ran away, to this day she still blames herself. because her music was so loud she didn't know that a girl had come in to her room until she sat on her bed making her jump.

"what the actual fuck?" Alec squealed at the girl.

"sorry I did announce myself but you didn't hear me" She said trying to clam Alec.

"its okay I was just startled... are you okay did I hurt you" Alec asked hasterly.

"no no you could never hurt me" She said.

"EMILY COME HELP ME PLEASE" Luka shouted though looks like he's settleing.

"COMING ... can I talk to you after please?" Emily asked as she was leaving Alec's room.

"uh sure"Alec replied. Emily closed the door and Alec was once again alone.

Luka stured the pasta source thinking back to the night Alec started living with him, when he had to spend so much time helping alec get back to the real world after Alice died. the news he had given her would surely tear down the building blocks they made and it would probably kill her to know that their dad was the driver. She finished helping him and went into her room

"Alec?" Emily said knocking on Alec's door.

"Humm" Alec laserly replied. Alec moved so that Emily could come and sit next to her.

" what did you want to talk about?"


"what has he done now I swear to the Angel I will kill him if he's hurt you?" Emily laughed at Alec's use of Angel instead of God.

"no no im not hurt ... yet anyway well I um ... God this is really heard"

"it's okay take as long as you need but I must worn you I love my sleep" Emily laughed again at Alec's sarcy comment but knew she was serious underneath.

" I think im pregnant" Emily spleared out squesing her eyes shut not wanting to see Alec's reaction.


"no no he doesn't know"

" then this is the perfect time to tell him while I am here to support you and make sure he supports you"


"yes no brother of mine gets to neglect the mother of his unborn child and his child when it's born if you keep it"

"thank you"

"what did I hear about children?" Luka said poking his head though the door. "wait no no ... Alec your pregnant how when who?" Alec just doubled over laughing unable to breath or talk.

"whats funny" he asked looking confused.

"shes not pregnant I am" Emily said watching the colour leave Lukas face and him hit the floor.

"well that could have gone better" Alec said heaving Luka on to her bed.

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