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Raquel's Pov
I was telling my mom everything about the interview on our way home.
Once we got home I told my dad and brother. They were happy for me which I was proud of because i didn't think they were going to be,I went upstairs to change into my pjs wen I got a text
Unknown: Hey Raquel it's me Ricky  just to let you know so you can put my number in your contacts ohh and also you have to come tomorrow to Sony music.
Omg okay I don't even know we're that is
Me: Hey Ricky, what time?
Ricky:the boys want you to meet them there earlier so at 1:00pm be there.
Me:Okay I will and thank you!
Ricky:Your welcome,bye
The end
I decided to search up were Sony was at and it was kind of close to my house but I'm new to Miami so I didn't know. While I was doing that I got a message
Group chat: Photos de CNCO💖
Unknown: Hola!
Unknown:Dimelo Mami
Unknown:Quien hico esto?
Unknown:Quien es la otra persona?
Unknown:se llama Raquel es nuestra photographa
Omg it's CNCO what do I do! Do I answer or do I just leave them on seen.
Unknown: Raquel?
Unknown: Estas alli?
I'll just text them hopefully everything goes well.
Me:Hola aqui estoy😜
Unknown: hay que Bueno me asustaste Mami.
I could tell that was Erick❤️
Unknown:quieres venir a comer helado con nosotros?
Me:Si aque hora?
Unknown: en 15 minutos para que conoscas a Joel
Unknown: Yo soy Joel
That was Joel💙
Me:Hey Joel
Erick❤️ : Okay nos vemos en 10
Unknown: Ok then
I could tell that was Richard💛
Unknown:Ay nos vemos pandas
Then the last one was Zabdiel💚
I was getting ready to see them

 I could tell that was Erick❤️Unknown:quieres venir a comer helado con nosotros? Me:Si aque hora?Unknown: en 15 minutos para que conoscas a JoelUnknown: Yo soy Joel That was Joel💙Me:Hey Joel Erick❤️ : Okay nos vemos en 10 Unknown: Ok then I could...

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Outfit💕Wen I was done I asked my brother to take me.
Hope you liked it ohh and next chapter she meets! ........💙

My photographer✨ /COMPLETED/Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora