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Lauren POV

Camila was still sleeping peacefully, cuddled up in my arms. Camila's phone went off, someone was calling her. They'd called multiple times so I checked to see who it was. It was her mom. She called again and I answered.

Camila's mom:
Baby are you okay? Haven't heard from you in a while.

Hey Mrs. Cabello, it's Lauren.

Camila's mom:
Hey sweetheart, is Camila okay?

Of course, she fell asleep. She's right next to me though.

Camila's mom:
You got her to sleep?! Oh my god thank you.

Yea, she fell asleep cuddled into my side. Does she have problems with sleeping?

Camila's mom;
She has really bad insomnia, it's rare I see her sleeping or even taking a nap. Thank you Lauren.

It's no problem, but yea she's okay. Would you like me to tell her you called when she wakes up?

Camila's mom:
No, it's alright. I was just checking in. Thanks again Lauren. You two have fun and be safe okay?

Yes ma'am.

Camila's mom:
Goodbye, have a good day.

You too.

I hung up the phone, putting it back where Camila had it and looked down at Camila, who furrowed her eyebrows in her sleep. I grew concerned and pulled her closer to me. She gripped the sleeve of my shirt in her sleep and let out a sob. "Shhh.. Camila. I'm here."

I placed my hand underneath her hoodie, tracing my fingers along her back and she let out a sigh, calming down. Her mom said that she'd had insomnia, insomnia can be brought on by nightmares I think. Maybe Camila had nightmares. A few more minutes passed and Camila slept peacefully.

"L..Laur..ren." She sobbed. I shook her and she continued to cry. "Camila.. Hey, Camila, wake up!" I sat up with my back against the headboard, pulling Camila onto my lap. "Laur..ren no!" She screamed. I could feel her heart racing against my chest. "Camila wake up! You're okay..." I said shaking her. I couldn't get her to wake up.

She squirmed in my arms and held onto me tighter, wrapping herself around me and sobbing. "P..please do..on't die!" She screamed through her sobs, but it was muffled by her burying her face in my chest. "Camila.. Sweetheart." I was really growing concerned.

She was trembling and her face was sweating, baby hairs stuck to her face as she continued to cry. I had to think quickly. I grabbed the bottle of water on my nightstand and poured it over Camila's head, soaking both of us. She shot awake and looked at me sobbing. I held her head in my hands.

She held onto my hands firmly, biting her bottom lip as she tried to hold back sobs. "You're okay Camila.. You're okay." I caressed her cheek, wiping away some of her tears. She let out a sob and let herself fall into my arms.

"Shhh.. It's okay. I've got you.." Sobs continued to rack her small body. I didn't know how to calm her down, I knew cuddling her worked last time. I felt really bad for Camila. Whatever she'd dreamt about must have really frightened her. I ran my fingers through her hair, it seemed to help her calm down. I kissed her forehead softly and continued holding her close.

Camila had stopped crying and was cuddled into me with her arms wrapped me and my arms wrapped securely around her. Although I'd only known her for today, I'd gotten to know a lot about her and she'd gotten to know a lot about me. I glanced down at the girl in my arms. She was playing with the baby hairs along the side of her face while watching whatever movie was on the tv now.

I wanted to know what she'd dreamt about that scared her so badly. "Camila?" She looked up at me, her once teary eyes now dry. "Yes Lauren?" "If you don't mind me asking, what'd you dream about?" I asked her, rubbing her back. "Um.. I.. I was about to fall off of a bridge a..and.." She whimpered, holding back a sob. "You saw me a..and you pul..led me back and when you did that y..you fell and I..I couldn't save y..you. I'm sorry I couldn't sa..ve you." She said, crying into my t shirt.

Oh my god.. That must have been terrifying. "Shhh.. It's not real, it was only a dream Camz. Only a dream." I kissed her forehead and she had calmed back down. "Why don't we do something fun tonight? How does that sound?" She looked at me smiling weakly before nodding. "That sounds great Lauren. What were you thinking?" She asked me. I didn't even know myself what i had in mind.

"Well there's somewhere I found before school started back and it's beautiful at nighttime and I'd like to take you there." I told her smiling. She giggled excitedly. "I can't wait Lauren!" She smiled. "Me either." I said, planting a kiss on her cheek before we changed out of our wet clothes.

*time skip*

Camila giggled as I lead her down the path in the woods behind my house. "I'm not too fond of woods Lauren..." She said, holding my hand tighter. "Shh, stop worrying yourself Camz." I rubbed my thumb on the back of her hand. She nodded and smiled at me as I turned the corner.

This was where I always went when I wanted to relax. There was a small clearing in the woods, it was lit up by the stars overhead. She looked around in awe. "It's beautiful." She said, wrapping her arms around my waist, resting her head on chest. "I'm glad you like it. I come here all the time. Also, there's one more thing I want to show you."

"There's more?" She asked shocked. I nodded, leading the smaller girl behind me. I led her down another passage way, leading her out to a lake. "Wowwww! This is wonderful, Lauren I love it. Thank you so much for doing this." I smiled at how much she loves little things like this. "Look at the stars Lauren!" She pointed up. I giggled a little and gave her a warm smile.

I walked out onto a dock with her and layed out a blanket that I'd brought with us. I layed down and motioned for her to lay beside me. She smiled happily at me and joined me, intertwining our legs as I embraced her into my arms. I'd brought fruit with us and water, I ate some of the fruit, Camila said she wasn't hungry. I didn't buy that for a moment because I got ed vibes, but I didn't want to bring it up, she seemed so happy.

We layed there, happily looking at the stars and out at the water, losing complete track of time. The gentle rocking of the dock from the waves in the lake put Camila to sleep. I giggled a little bit at the sleeping beauty laying next to me. I wrapped the blanket around her and she wrapped her arms around my neck, remaining asleep.

I carried her back to my house and kicked my shoes off at the front door before taking hers off as well. I carried Camila up to my room, setting an alarm for in the morning. Tiredly, I turned off my light and layed down with Camila still wrapped in my arms. I closed my eyes and kissed her forehead. "Goodnight Camila. I love you." I whispered to her before I drifted off into a peaceful sleep.

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