Camila's Nightmares

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*time skip to 6am*

Camila, in her sleep, had walked inside and since she wasn't too familiar with the new house, ended up in the theatre room downstairs.

She'd sprawled out on the floor and continued to sleep, nothing had happened luckily. She slept until she was woken up by the loudest roll of thunder she thought she'd ever heard in her life. The thunder woke no one up aside from Camila except Demi. Dinah stayed asleep, having fallen asleep with her headphones in and music playing.

Camila sat up in the dark terrified, the power had gone out. She panicked and started to cry. Demi sat up, "Dinah?" She called out. Camila cried harder and started to take shakey breaths. Demi shined the light from her phone around the room, seeing Camila sobbing, curled into a tiny ball on the floor.

"Hey.. Camila. You're okay.." Demi said to Camila kindly, sitting next to the small girl. Camila, in her sleepy distraught state, reached for Demi to hold her. "L..Lolo." The small girl in Demi's arms cried. Camila clung onto Demi tightly as she continued to cry, shaking at this point.

"Where did you and Lauren sleep babydoll?" Camila pointed upstairs and then to the balcony, so Demi carried the crying girl there, seeing Lauren asleep on a hammock. Demi shook the sleeping girl awake. Lauren quickly woke up and Camila threw herself into Lauren's arms, trembling as she shakily let out raspy little breaths.

"Shhh.. Thank you Demi" Lauren said as Demi took a seat next to Lauren, wanting to assure that the small brunette was going to be alright. Another roll of thunder rolled through the air, echoing loudly in every direction followed by some crazy lightning.

This only made Camila panic and go into a full blown panic attack. Lauren quickly carried the little girl inside and into her room, Demi close behind. "Shh.. it's only a storm sweetheart. Nothing's going to happen." Lauren whispered to Camila. Demi nodded, "You're safe little one, Lauren's not gonna let anything hurt you." Demi told Camila.

Demi called Camila little one sort of as a pet name since the small girl was far younger than her, but she understood that the name most likely held a double meaning for Camila. Now, Camila.. she was already in her headspace, but when Demi said that, it made her regress further into her headspace, luckily resulting in her coming down from her panic attack.

As the small girl calmed down, Demi and Lauren were relieved and not long after the power came back on. "M..Lolo.." Camila hummed sleepily, closing her eyes. Lauren and Demi watched as Camila cutely rested her head on Lauren's chest, one of her hands holding onto the hem of Lauren's low-cut tshirt on top of her right boob, and her other thumb placed gently in her mouth.

Lauren smiled down at Camila, leaving a little kiss on her cheek. "Aweee, she's so sweet." Demi cooed. Lauren nodded, agreeing with Demi. "Yea, she's a sweetheart." Lauren said with a smile as Camila fell back asleep. Lauren let you a small sigh, knowing that Camila wouldn't sleep too long before she woke up terrified.

"Are you okay Lauren?" Demi asked. Lauren nodded honestly, "Yea, I just know that she won't be able to sleep for long." Demi tilted her head curiously. "She has horrible nightmares, I don't know what she dreams about the majority of the time.. but I know they're bad because she can't sleep through them. She gets them every time she sleeps." Lauren told Demi.

This made Demi wonder if something happened to Camila, people don't usually get nightmares like that unless something happened to them that traumatized them. "If you don't mind me asking Lauren, does Camila have PTSD?" Lauren shrugged.

"She told me that she doesn't know, but I know that she can't handle gunshots or fireworks. I watched a movie with her and there was a gun shot and she ran off and I found her under my bed crying.. I think she does honestly." Demi nodded. "She might. Do you know of anything drastic she's been through?" Lauren shook her head.

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