How far I'll go🌺

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I began rushing out the house, trying to get Camila to the hospital when I felt her stir in my arms. The small girl soon sat up in a panic and clung onto me, her heart pounding.

I sighed out of relief that Camz was okay. I sat down on the couch with her.

"There you go.. you're okay. You're safe." Camz immediately relaxed and snuggled into me as if nothing had even happened.

"You scared me hun.." I told Camila, her snuggling into me and yawning as everyone came downstairs, being curious about the commotion.

"What happened." A couple of the girls asked at once.

"She just kinda blacked out for a moment, it was really scary, but she's okay." I told them. The girls all came and sat around us.

"She blacked out?" Demi asked, concerned. I nodded. Demi got down in front of Camila.

"Camila, can you look at me?" Lauren turned Camila so she was facing Demi and Camila looked at the older girl.

"Mila sweetie, I need for you to follow my finger." Demi told the small girl calmly. Camila squinted her eyes shut a couple times while trying to follow Demi's finger, which made the blood rush from my head I swear.

Demi held her finger still and Camila locked her eyes on it before she slowly started to move her finger again.

This time, Camz followed her finger without squinting her eyes shut.

"She's okay as far as I can tell." Demi told me. I let out a sigh of relief and hugged Camila close, thinking back to when I almost lost her. Camila tugged on me gently. I looked at her,

"Yes sweetie?"

"I..uh can we go somewhere today?" She asked softly. I looked at the others.

"You sure that you want to go out today, hun?" Dinah asked, sitting at Camila's eye level. She nodded.

"Well if she's up to it.. I mean, I don't see the harm." Normani suggested. Ally nodded,


"Well, how about I make you a deal. We can go wherever you choose.. if you eat. So, saying that, where do you wanna go?" I asked her.

"Movie Theater?" She asked cutely, tilting her head. I smiled,

"Hmm, I like the sound of that Camz." She smiled and giggled a little, burying her face in her hands.

"Awhh." We all cooed simultaneously.

"Hey now, what are we gonna go see Mila?" Mani asked the smaller girl. Camila made, and I swear by this, the cutest thinking face I have EVER seen in my entire life!

"Uhhhh.. hmm... Moana!" She bursted out enthusiastically. I giggled at her antics,

"Sounds like a good plan to me, what about you guys?" I asked everyone, who nodded happily.

"Moana it is." I told Camz, who cheered,

"Yay! Moana! Moana! Moana!" We all laughed and smiled along with Camila before we went to go make something to eat for everyone. We ended up making wraps and everyone ate.

Camila even ate a little less than half of her wrap, but she also has some juice with it, so I was proud of her.

After we ate, we went our separate ways to get dressed and Demi went home to get ready and said she'd meet us up there.

I took a shower since Camila said she was going to pick out her clothes. When I got out, she was till staring at her clothes with a bewildered look. I quickly threw on my clothes and pulled my hair into a bun and went up next to her.

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