You were my Teddy Bear

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Lauren POV

I woke up with Camila sleeping peacefully on on my chest with her paci in her mouth and a stuffed animal under her arm. I smiled at her, glad that she was sleeping peacefully for a change.

 Camila reached up and gently played with her baby hairs gently. All of the sudden, Camila's small hand tensed up and she whimpered a little. 

"Shh.. I'm here Camz." I cooed. Camila shot up and looked around, "D..Demi.." she cried. She tried to get up and run to Demi, but it was early and Demi needed to sleep. 

"Sweetie.. Demi's having nini time right now." She screamed and cried and kept trying to get up. "D..Demi!" She cried. "Baby..." 

After a little bit of her trying to get free, I let her up because I didn't want to hold her too tight and hurt her. She ran out of the room and to Demi. 

I texted Demi to tell her that Camila had a bad dream and it must have been about her and she was freaking out.

Demi POV

I'd just woken up not too long ago when Camila ran into my room crying uncontrollably. 

I sat up, "Mila.. hey.. sweetheart what's wrong?" I said softly, gently taking her small hand in mine and pulling her onto my lap. 

I leaned against the headboard and ran my fingers through the small girl's hair. "Tell me what's wrong sweetie.." Camila held onto my shirt and continued to cry. 

"Shhh.. you gotta talk to me hun." "D..dem h..huwt chu." I was immediately concerned. "Who said that darling?" "D..da s'adows.." she whimpered. 

"The shadows?" She nodded and held onto me tighter. "Awh.. sweetheart.. nobody's gonna hurt me okay?" She nodded and started to calm down and slip a lot further into her headspace.

 "That's it.. it's okay." I said softly. After she was calm, I asked her, "Sweetie can I ask you a question?" 

Camila didn't respond and played with the ring of her pacifier. "Milaa." I cooed, lifting Camila's chin gently and looking her in the eyes. "Camila I need you to tell me the truth okay?" She looked at me and kept suckling on her paci. 

"Mila are you a little?" Camila's breath hitched in her throat and her breathing became uneven. "Hey.. sweetie. It's okay." I told her softly. 

"You need to tell Lauren sweetheart.. okay?" Camila buried her face in my shirt and cried softly. "Shhh.." I cooed, picking Camila up and carrying her into Lauren's room. 

Lauren rushed up to us. "Lauren.." I said softly, she looked up at me worriedly as she picked Camila up from my arms. 

"Hey sweetie.. don't cry." Lauren whispered to Camila before looking back up at me. "Sit down Laur.." Lauren listened and sat down with Camila still crying softly. 

I sat next to her, "Camila hun.. do you wanna tell her or do you want me to tell her." The small girl only cried harder, maybe she thought Lauren would hate her. 

"Camila can I tell her?" I asked her softly, she gave in and nodded. "Camila is a little." Lauren looked down at Camila. 

"Sweetie... why didn't you tell me.." She cooed. "A..acause c..chu would hate me." Lauren sighed, "Baby I would never EVER hate you or leave you or any of that. Okay?" 

Camila nodded and calmed down. "See sweetie, that wasn't so hard now was it?" Camila sniffled and giggled a little, shaking her head. 

"Can the other girls know babydoll?" Lauren asked Camila. She quickly shook her head and the color drained from her face as tears came to her eyes. 

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