I'm scared Lolo

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*time skip to when the girls are at the airport. Having just said goodbye to their parents, they waited on their plane.*

Lauren POV

Camila held onto my arm nightly, holding Nala in the other hand. I caressed her hand to try and ease her a little bit. Dinah and Normani were freaking out that we were going to go to California, Ally was half asleep and considering it was literally 3am I understood why, I was so ecstatic but worried about Camz, she seemed really scared.

There was only five more minutes until the plane boarded so we were waiting in the proper area. I could feel Camila starting to shake a little. "Camz sweetheart.. you're shaking, what's wrong?" I asked her quietly. "I..I.." she whimpered before burying her face in her hands.

I placed a gentle hand on her shoulder, pulling her closer to me and wrapping my arms around her. "Shhh, it's gonna be alri-" I was interrupted by someone saying first class was boarding. I led Camila onto the plane and we found our seats, Mani was supposed to sit by me, but she let Camz switch with her so that Camila could sit with me.

"Camz hun, you have to buckle up, or else it is not safe." I said softly to the small girl . Since we'd sat down, Camila had immediately cuddled into my side. I gently tried to pry Camila off of me.

"It's just while we takeoff Sweetheart. I promise okay? Then when we are in the air, you can take it off and I'll hold you." I told Camila, seeing as the smaller of the two often calmed down when she was held.. and trust me she needed the help to calm down in the moment. She was slightly starting to hyperventilate, not badly, but enough to where if she didn't stop she would likely send herself into a panic attack.

"Camz, it's okay. I'm right here and nothing is going to happen to you. I'm here hun." I cooed softly, reaching out and holding her hand in my own. I made sure I was bucked and just as I did, the flight attendant came over the speaker saying nothing she payed attention to and that they were taking off now.

As soon as the plane started to move, Camila began to cry and her breathing got worse. Then it hit me. Camila must afraid of flying. We'd started flying smoothly now and Camila was still panicking.

No one POV

Lauren reached over, unbuckling the smaller girl and pulling her into her arms. "Shhh.. it's alright. We're gonna make it safely. Calm down Camz. I've got you." She said, sounding as soft as she could, not wanting to frighten Camila any further.

Camila finally got enough control over her breathing to calm down and speak. "Lolo..?" Camila whispered to her older friend. Lauren smiled at the nickname Camila had established for her. She'd jokingly said it before, but her actually calling her the name made her smile. "Yes?" Camila held her arms out towards Lauren, signifying for her to hold her on her lap so she would feel safer.

Lauren noticed Camila starting to cry and nodded, pulling her onto her lap, letting Camila rest her head on her upper chest. "Shhh, it's alright." Lauren kissed Camila's forehead and Camila calmed down mostly, relaxing into Lauren's embrace. "Do you want to put a movie on?" Camila nodded, Lauren was glad she did because she really cared about Camila and hated seeing her so upset.

Lauren made sure her iPad was on airplane mode and every internet connection was off before she went to her purchased movies, scrolling through them to pick one for Camila. She'd actually had Camila pick out quite a few movies for her to buy and have on the iPad for the trip.

She put on something called Pingu that Camila selected. It was a show with a penguin as the main character, Lauren recognized the show, but didn't recall watching it when she was younger. She handed Camila the iPad and her headphones. "Here You go." Lauren said, going to hand Camila the iPad. Camila sniffled and put the headphones in and started watching what was on.

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