~Chapter 5~

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~sorry I haven't updated for awhile but here you go :)~




Through Phoenix's eyes.

Since Jay is in his room I'm gonna do a little business. I went back downstairs as soon as jay went to his room. I walked over to Celia. She was in the dinning room reading.

"Hi Celia. How far is the stores from here?"

The old bag just gives me a smile. "Well there's a little pathway behind the house. It leads you into town. Takes about 15 minutes of a walk"

"Oh awesome. I'm gonna go into town for a few things but first. Why don't we have a chat and have something to drink?" I gave off a stupid ass smile. I really hate being nice. It's not me.

Celia placed her reading glasses down "but your father told me not to let you go anywhere" I sat down impatiently "well Celia, liam isn't my father plus I'm going for a few things for my new room. So please don't tell anyone I'm going into town for a few minutes" I looked down.

Celia nod "okay but it's only for a few minutes right?" I nod "of course" damn I feel like a child again. Celia stands up from her chair "now that you mentioned it I do have hot water going for some tea" she stands on her feet.

"No that's okay I could get the tea Celia. You work yourself to hard" I smiled to deceive her and it sure does the trick.

"Oh how kind" Celia sat back down grabbing her reading glasses while smiling. Okay all I need to do is to get her to sleep by the time I come back.

I walked into the kitchen. I grabbed two cups from the hazel nut cupboards. Walked over to the stove and grabbed the steamy hot kettle from the black Crystal stove top. The boiling water should be enough for these pills to dissolve. I poured the hot water into the two cups and finally slipped the two doses of sleeping pills. I wait an extra minute for the pills to disappear and put in two bags of green tea into the 2 cups.

Picking up the two cups I walked back to the dinning room 'alright Celia. I have the tea" placing one cup in front of her.

Celia grabbed two cubes of sugar and dumped the sugar in her tea "so you from las Vegas? That's exciting" she stir her tea with a teaspoon.

"Yup, my mom was an escort for a few years" I blew on my hot liquid before I sip my tea. Celia grew quiet after my statement. I looked up and see Celia take a drink out of her tea "sorry but I should get going. I don't wanna come back late" Celia nods "of course"

"Don't pass out on me" I made a harsh joke before I stood up as I walked towards the front of the house.

I better get going I don't have much time. I check my phone. Yeah it's 8:12 pm. I made my way to the front entrance to grab my Vans and went back to the back door. I laced up my shoes and out the door. Sliding the door to shut it tight I turn my body and started walking towards town down the hill. As I got to the pathway I started running down.


A hardware store caught my eye so I ran for the front entrance. Opening the door. There were barely anyone. Maybe because it's getting late. I walked down the isles. I grabbed a few metres of rope. And lastly went to the back of the store to where the BB guns and paintball guns are. Looking through them and one had caught my eye "excuse me but can I see that one?" I pointed to a bb gun that looked realistic.

"Sure son" the middle age guy grabbed it from the display case "this here is a beauty. It feels real and it even clicks like a real gun. This bb gun almost got banned because it it looks too realistic" he twist his bottom lip as he placed his pale wrinkled hands against the glass display case.

Looking at the object in my hand. It's perfect. "How much? Looking at the guy on the other side of the counter "that one is $75 bucks and the pellets are $20 for 100 bullets"

I smiled "I'll take one" the older guy grabbed a brand new box from the back "here you go son. Have fun" the guy just smiled not having one damn clue what I'm using this for.

"Oh I will. You can count on that" I grabbed the box and made my way to the front of the store where the cashier was. He's just an old man. Great.

"Hello young man. Did you find everything you're looking for?" I nod at the cashier. Placing both of my hands on the counter eager to leave. Damn this old man is so fucking slow.

"Rope aye. Are you building something?" The old man was slowly putting the rope into a brown paper bag. Scanning the box last. "Alright that would be $85.56 please" I gave him a $100 bill.

"Thanks. Keep the change" I hurried out the door. Running down the street. I looked up and could see jays house. I must hurry. Looking at my phone "it's 9:24 pm. I raced back.

"Celia should be sleeping by now"


Reaching to the house. I walked up to the door catching my breath. I opened the door. Oh shit the old woman is passed out on the lazy boy "well that didn't take long"

Taking off my Vans I quickly head to my room racing up the stairs and into my bedroom shutting the door behind. I'm glad that me and him share one side of the house and mom has jay's dad tied down on the other side.

I walked into the bathroom. Tossing my bag on the counter. Pulling out a box out of my bag. I placed the ropes inside "I hope this won't be to much for Jay"


~well what do you think? :) I hope it's good enough for you ^-^ please give this a like <3~


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