Chapter 7: Why

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I listen in on the conversations they were having. They spoke of killing targets and many other things I couldn't remember.

Master walked over and forced my head up. "Lina, go fetch us more wine!" I nod my head and I bow to them, quickly leaving to the kitchen.

I went to the cellar, where the wine is held. I looked around till I found the wine that master prefers. I picked it up and left the cellar.

When I got back to the dining hall, I began to pour everyone there wine. "Lina, do you mind pouring more in the glasses? You barely poured any!" Master shouted at me. I began to shake as I pour more in his glass. I heard the guests snicker, right before I accidentally knocked over Master's glass. He slammed his hand on the table and stood up. I froze in fear when I met his cold eyes. He brought up is hand and, before I knew it, he had slapped me as hard as he possibly could. My eyes, well... eye, filled with tears as he continued to hit me in front of his guests.

The one stood up. "Jack, stop hurting the poor girl. She's been hurt enough..." There was a short pause before I got hit again. I seen, from the corner of my eye, the man's eyes glow red. He jumped over the table to where Master and myself were, and... knocked him out. He looked back at me, his familiar eyes wide for some reason. "Lina..? Are you okay?" He spoke quietly.

I nodded and went to speak, but everything went black. The last thing I saw was Master, holding a broken wine bottle, standing behind the man who held me in his arms, asking if I was okay.

Maybe a few hours later, I woke up. I heard soft breathing behind me, which I assumed to be my own breath echoing back. I felt numb, as if I had been hit many times. Then memories flowed back to me. I was hit... So many times. Every time in my life when I was hurt all flowed back to me. My eye started to tear up and I sniffled. I moved a hand up to my face to hide my eyes as I started to cry.

I heard small movement behind me and a hand, that I only just noticed around my waist, held me tighter. There was a soft groan as the figure behind me quite possibly woke up too. "Hey, why are you crying Lina?" I looked up at the man, who now hovered close to my side, his hand still around me. I shook my head. "It's nothing..." The man gently smiled as he whipped some of my tears away. "You sure?" I thought about it for a moment before nodding.

"Okay, but if something's wrong you know you can tell me." I was about to nod, but I realized who the man was. Griffin. "W-what are you doing here?!" My cheeks grew hot when I started to cry more. He tried to shush me by hugging me. "I was invited to the party, but when I seen you in that horrible state, I knew I had to do something." I started to push at him, wanting to get away, but he kept his hug firm. "What? So you can kill me too?!" He sighed and shook his head, his long hair brushing against my face. "No... Lina, I'm sorry. I know it was horrible of me, but I got the girls' auric powers to work. Can I be forgiven? I mean... I'll be your personal servant until I'm forgiven! A-and besides, your brother is still living! It was just a decoy..."

"R-r-really?" I stuttered my words as blood dripped down my cheek. He smiled a bit and nodded. "Really..." Griffin said quietly. He pulled a small handkerchief out of his suit pocket and wiped at my cheek. He looked at it and sighed. "Your crying blood again..." I touched at my eye and looked at my finger, there was a small trail of blood on the tip of my finger. "Oh, there is. It's fine though, it will go away again."

He frowned and folded the handkerchief a few times. "You'll have blood stains on your face. I'd have to explain that to the kids, before they killed me. So let me get it off." I laughed a bit before nodding. He smiled and licked the tip of the handkerchief, like a mother would her thumb when their child would have a hair out of place. Griffin gently rubbed off the blood, making sure it wouldn't hurt.

When he finished, he put his hand on my head and ruffled my hair and fox ears. I bat his hand away with a childish laugh. He smiled a bit. "You know, it's only 2 in the morning Lina. You should get some rest." My cheeks puffed as I began to protest. "But I'm no-" Griffin silenced me with a fast kiss. "If you stay up, you'll be tired when we leave and then I'll have to carry you. So just sleep, I'll be right here sleeping next to you if you need me, okay?" I felt my cheeks grow hot while I nodded.

I laid down and closed my eyes. I shivered a bit, noting that we were in a cold cave. Almost as if knowing I was extremely cold, he hugged me close, letting his body heat wash over mine. I became warm fast, causing me to drift to sleep. Before I took the final leap to the dream world, I felt a light kiss on my pink-stained cheek.


Ayyy!!!! It's been a while since I last updated 'The Ones Hidden in the Shadows'. Tbh, I had no ideas on what to write, as well as I never finished this chapter. I simply had no time to write.

However, now that I can write, I will try to be updating more!!

I really hope you all enjoyed this chapter, I know it may seem all over the place, but just pretend it all makes sense, I mean, I was half asleep when I was writing most of it.

Anyways, hope you all have a beautiful day and stay happy! Love you all!! Baii~!!!

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