Chapter 1

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Acacia's P.O.V

I woke up to the sound of my utterly annoying radar alarm clock screaming in my room and the sun shining bright in my eyes. I cursed myself for not shutting my curtians last night, causing me to have to grab one of the millions of pillows I had on my bed and cover my face. Everything was blurry due to my poor vision without my contacts or glasses. I needed to give my eyes a rest from the intense sunlight that was shining down on me. I blindly palmed for my glasses on my nightstand next to my bed before I finally found them. As I grumpily sat up my hair cascaded around my face causing me to be unable to see even more than before. I slid my glasses on, pushed my hair back and took a look around my room. Sighing, I hesitantly got up out of my bed and slipped on my slippers.

Your probably wondering who I am so I'll tell you. My name is Aciaca Brinley. I am around five foot two inches tall. My hair is long and wavy and brown, incredibly bland and brown and it's quite a mess, always knotted up or thrown into a messy bun just to be out of my way. Typical blue eyes that require contacts or glasses because unfortunately, my eyesight is not the best. I pretty much believe I am nothing special. Im eh, average at best. I love keeping to myself, and I'm not much of a people person but I know I'm pretty damn funny. I'm always looking straight ahead, never one to look back. The future is what I'm looking forward to and I can't wait until I can get out into the world to see what life is all about.

Looking at the girly calendar hanging on my wall, I scoffed slightly as I marked off another day with my super cute yellow highlighter until the first day of school started. I was no in no way ready to show myself to a school of immature idiots. I just wanted to go, get my work done, and graduate without a care in the world.

Tomorrow I officially started my senior year at the local high school I was attending. High school where I went was not all it was cut out to be. Typical groups: jocks, rich kids, stoners, musicians, and then there's me. A loner. I don't have many friends and the ones I do have are so involved in extra curricular activities I barely see them. The kids I do see in the hall everyday are not the nicest people. I was bullied a lot in middle school and early high school because of my acne and because of how much I wanted to keep to myself. I've just never really been a people person. To so I dreaded school would be an understatement, it's just not a place I want to be because I hate dealing with rude people who feel like they're entitled to everything including the shirt off you're own back. One boy in particular literally plucks my nerves so bad. His name is Justin Bieber and he thinks he is some hot shit. Cocky and arrogant is all I can ever think about when he is mentioned. I have successfully avoided him for the last three years of high school, and I plan to steer clear of his path this year especially.

I basically walk into school, do my work, eat my lunch, do more work and go home immediately to start on my homework. This year, all that is on my mind is maintaining good grades and laying low. Sports weren't my thing, I was always too buried into my book to even become interested to get involved. I am your typical non-social, stay on my laptop dreaming of other things I could be doing, complaining teenager.

Senior year hadn't even started yet and I can already tell it's going to be a complete drag.

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