Chapter 5

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Justin's P.O.V

When I first talked to Acacia earlier I didn't plan on it going that way at all. I was going to genuinely be a decent human being to her.

I felt like the biggest ass in the world. I invited her to this party and as soon as she gets here I try and treat her like one of my little sluts.

I really needed to go find her and apologize to her before she left, I didn't want us getting off on the wrong foot again.

I searched all over the house, every room and bathroom and could not find her. Finally I decided to walk to walk back outside and through the back yard and stopped to ask one of my friends if they had seen her and thats when they directed me to the far part of the backyard.

It was kind of weird to be back where the party wasn't at but I shrugged my shoulders and I slowly made my way back there unsure of what I would find. 

Reaching the back part, I saw no sign of her. Drink in my hand, I shrugged my shoulders and went to turn around, but not when two moving figures on a nearby bench cause my eye. I focused in on what was going on and dropped my drink on the spot.

Acacia was on top of my best friend, hands tangled all in his hair as well as his hands gripped firmly on her rear. They were making out.

I'm not sure why, but I started fuming. I ran towards the two of them and gently pulled Acacia off of him.

"What are you doing!?" I yelled at Sam and swung my fist into his cheek. I was still so intoxicated I couldn't control what my body was doing. It was like I was just standing their watching everything happening, by body moving in slow motion.

"Bro what the hell is your problem?!" He said holding his jaw and standing up quickly ready to fight back if needed.

"W-what are you doing Justin.." Acacia whispered. She looked terrified, I really had scared her.

I could hear the slur in her voice and knew that sh was drunk. "I-I don't know.." I replied as I bolted off leaving both of them behind in complete shock.

As I ran into the house and upstairs into my room, I made sure to slam the door letting everyone know how angry I was so they wouldn't bother me. I wasn't sure why I was so angry. I had never had any feelings towards Acacia- not that I knew of.

She was always just the girl in the shadows, no one important to me. I had kept my eye on her all these years, but we barely ever spoke. I wasn't sure what was going on in my head right now.

As I paced around my room, I finally got it my bed and my body fell back and hit it with a soft thud.

"What the hell am I doing...."I mumbled to myself, my hands running up and down my face, eventually finding my hair as I slightly tugged at it.

So many thoughts kept running through my mind over and over. I heard a soft knock at my door but I chose to ignore it, wanting to speak to absolutely no one.

my eyes started to feel extremely heavy on my face and before I even knew it, I was soundlessly asleep.

"BAM!" The sound of my bedroom door opening startled me and I shot up.

I could still hear the music going downstairs as I stared at the soft figure in my doorway. It took my eyes a second to adjust before I figured out who it was. "What Kelsey" I spat. I was sleeping pretty good and I didn't need her to ruin it.

"Justy, why do you sound so sad and frustrated?" She asked seductively while walking over to me. She had on a skimpy tight dress and her curves were outlined perfectly.

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