Chapter 7

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Acacias P.O.V

Once I got home, I parked my car and made sure shut my door quietly. I didn't want to draw anymore unwanted attention, and I also didn't want my parents to question my tear-stained and puffy face. I slowly opened the front door, creeping in and shutting it without a sound behind me. I managed to silently get up the stairs without hitting any creaks. I've lived in this house all of my life and I have had going up the stairs silently mastered since I was a kid sneaking up and down to get snacks late at night.

Once I got into my room, I shut and locked the door quietly. I have had yet to see what my face looks like considered I was heavily crying as soon as I slammed the door behind me. Justin hurt my feelings at the fact that he showed no sympathy at all for aggressively hitting me in the face with a bunch of sharp ass keys. I'm sure it could have been a joke but an apology would have been nice. He doesn't make any sense to me at all and I really have no interest in trying to figure him out.

I stepped inside my bathroom and switched the light on. A small gasp escaped my lips because of the medium sized cut above my eyebrow where it looks like a piece of the key cut me. There was some dried up blood around the area but it barely bled and it isn't too deep so it won't leave any major scarring, which is a good thing. The swelling was starting to come around and I'm almost positive I am going to have a small black eye tomorrow. I was more than upset to say the least, he did physical damage and he really did not care at all. I started to wonder what the people would think happened to me when they see me at school and in the end I decided I would just cover it up the best I could in order for no one to see. I can just make up some excuse for my parents if they ask, which i'm sure they will. 

I pulled out the small first aid kit I had in a drawer in my countertop and pulled out all of the necessities. I didn't have any hydrogen peroxide so alcohol will unfortunately have to do. Carefully, I cleaned and disinfected the cut before throwing away the used items and putting the first aid kit back. Coming out of the bathroom, I turned the light off behind me and shut the door. Honestly, it has been one crazy day. As soon as I woke up, I was thrown into a crazy mess that I still have yet to wrap my head around. Flopping down on my bed, I turned the TV on and snuggled up under my blankets, getting comfortable. The sleep that I got last night was not the best so I figured a nice nap will make up for it.

Rolling over, I plugged my phone into the charging stand beside by bed. Settling in again I let my eyes close and buried myself beneath the blankets. Not even a few seconds from drifting off to sleep, my phone pinged indicating that I received a text message. Opening my eyes and groaning I picked up the phone and read the words on the screen.

Sam: Hey, you left your clothes here.

I sighed. Really dude? That could have waited until after my nap. I chuckled to myself for being so sarcastic. I guess my nap will have to wait until after I get my clothes. I loved that dress and wanted it home ASAP. 

You; Okay, is it okay if I can come get them in a few?

I needed to leave this house before my parents started asking questions about why I was sleeping all day anyway.

Sam; Yep, i'll see you in a few.

I threw the blankets off of me and walked over to my makeup table. I knew I had left with Sam's clothes on but my clothes still being there definitely slipped my mind. Pulling out my foundation and concealer, I applied some all over my face to ever the tone out and making sure to place special emphasis on my cut and the slight bruise that was still forming. I finished my face and then decided to change into something more comfortable, and in order to give Sam back his clothes. They weren't wash but oh well, he can deal with it. Walking over my closet and rummaging through it, I pulled out an oversized hoodie and a pair of cropped leggings. Pulling my tennis shoes out and slipping them on, I was ready to go. Grabbing my phone, wallet, Sam's clothes and keys, I carefully slipped out of the house quietly so no one would notice me.

Getting in my car and starting it up, I drove away and back to Sam's house to grab my clothes. 

-15 minutes later-

I pulled up and into Sam's driveway, turning the engine off and getting out. I made sure to grab the clothes to give back to Sam. As I walked up the sidewalk, I noticed someone sitting in a chair on the porch. "Sam?" I asked.

"Hey Acacia, i'm right here" he spoke quietly. Something seemed really off about him, and I was curious as to what was going on. Walking up the stairs, I sat down next to him and shivered a little bit from the breeze that was blowing through. 

"You cold?" He asked.

"Nah I'm fine, the breeze just got me. So", I asked hesitantly,  "what's seem out of it." questioning, I leaned closer letting him know I was here to comfort him.

"I'm jaw just hurts a lot, and I am frustrated about the stupid situation, but Justin is an asshole and you can never get away from that" He sighed, shaking his head. "Why do you seem so down?" He asked.

"I'm still upset over what happened, and he sorta threw my keys in my face and cut me." I turned my head and pointed to the small cut I tried my best to cover up with makeup. 

"Oh Acacia, it's bleeding slightly at the site, not oozing or anything but maybe we should bandage it up so it doesn't get infected. Here, we can fix it up, follow me." He stood up and grabbed my hand, pulling me inside and upstairs into his bathroom next to his room.

"Come and sit on the counter, the toilet is too low for me, you know I am super tall and all." We both slightly giggled and I jumped up on the counter.

I sat on the counter while I watched him rummage through his stuff looking for whatever he needed. He stood back up with a small bandage and a bottle of rubbing alcohol.

"Here keep your face still while I clean it." He said positioning it so he could see the light. I felt him dab the alcohol onto my cut and I flinched. 

"It won't sting for too long" he said quietly while focusing on fixing it. "I know, i've been through this once already today." I slightly smiled and looked at him. "Thank you again, for everything. For letting me stay and saving me from Justin, who is a super asshole." 

Sam shrugged his shoulder, "It was the least I could do, we all need saving every once in a while." He offered me his hand "All done" I slid off the counter with his assistance and stood up straight, fixing my sweatshirt. "Can I grab my clothes? I left the one's I slept in on the front porch."

"My dresser."he responded and pointed into his room. 

"Why thank you, and you even folded them" I grabbed them off of the dresser and met him outside of his room. "What a gentleman." I smiled slightly.

"Eh, what can I say? I am a ladies man." We started laughing as we walked down the stairs. Sam is really such a nice and sweet guy even after being attacked by Justin. 

"Thank you once again Sam." I hugged him and walked out the front door. "Here are you clothes" I tossed them to him and he laughed and caught them. "Sorry, they're not washed or anything."

"It's okay Acacia," he laughed. "I do have a washer and dryer." We both laughed again and I walked down the sidewalk and opened the car door. I turned my head to look across the street and noticed the one and only Justin Bieber. We locked eyes as he dragged some girl into his house. Poor girl. I turned my head away shaking it and got in my car shutting the door behind me. What a jackass. 

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