Chapter 6

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Acacias P.O.V

As my eyes fluttered open to the sunlight lighting up the room, I couldn't help but groan at the headache that weighed over my head. I knew I shouldn't have drank, much less chugged all the alcohol in might site.

I looked around the room, not recognizing where I was at at all. Confused, I sat up and tried to process all of the thoughts running through my head. I felt movement next to me and looked over quickly. Sam laid next to me, naked from the chest up.

I looked down and saw that I wasn't in last nights clothes either. That's when it all came flooding back. I was too drunk to drive home so Sam allowed me to stay with him and gave me some clothes to sleep in so I didn't have to sleep in the dress I wore. After I changed, I couldn't remember anything that had happened. I was really hoping nothing bad had happened.

"Oh god.."I gulped and pushed the blanket off of me. I moved towards Sam and shook him.

"Sam what happened last night?" I whispered, being careful not to draw any attention to the room we were in.

"Nothing.. We just came back and slept." He said, groaning just as I had done. He most definitely had a hangover too.

"Oh, thank god" I said as my body fell back against the pillow. I hadn't realized that I was still incredibly tired. My eyes fluttered shut once more and I was off to a deep sleep once again.

An annoying vibration kept buzzing under the pillow that I was fast asleep on. I just kept letting it buzz because I was in no mood to wake up and face the day I had ahead of me. The buzzing never stopped so I finally decided to reach for my phone which seemed buried. Someone was calling me. I didn't bother to look at the caller ID. I picked it up and instantly recognized the voice. Justin.

"Hello?" I said in an irritated voice.

Why is your car still in my driveway.." He growled. For some reason I could feel a literal smirk over the phone, knowing he was up to no good.

"Woah dude, chill out. Do you not remember basically beating the shit out of Sam for no apparent reason? I decided to stay with him because for one, I had too much to drink and two, I wanted to make sure that he was okay. Give me five minutes and I'll be over to get the damn car."

"I have things to do today and dealing with your shit isn't on the list. Hurry up." He hung up immediately causing me to roll my eyes, not wanting to deal with him as soon as I woke up.

I sat up for a second and stretched my arms out. Sam was still fast asleep so I decided to leave a note, not wanting to disturb his sleep.

"Hey Sam I had to go. I will return the clothes. I appreciate your help last night and I hope you feel better. Xoxo, Acacia"

I placed the note on the night stand next to his phone to make sure that would be one of the first things that he saw when he woke up. After walking into his bathroom and fixing my hair into a messy bun, I decided it was time to go face Justin. I grabbed my clothes and quietly exited his bedroom. I didn't want to encounter anyone on my way out so I made sure to be extremely quiet walking through the house. Once the coast was clear for the front door, I made my escape quickly, making sure to close the front door extremely quiet.

Making my way down the front steps, I looked up taking in the house across the street. I wanted to be quick about getting my car so I didn't have to deal with Justin. I still couldn't comprehend what had happened last night and I wasn't ready to face whatever he was going to say to me.

I made my way over to my car, reaching in my purse to grab my keys. I felt around for a few seconds, then I searched my entire purse not being able to find the keys at all. I knew for a fact that I had put them in my purse last night but I also knew that I hadn't taken them out in Sams house so I must have accidentally dropped them after I had locked my car. I knew what I had to do and I didn't want to do it at all.

I slowly walked up the driveway, down the sidewalk, and up to front door, hesitating to knock. My knuckles banged slightly against the hard wood and I waited for no more than a minute before I got no answer.

I knocked again, this time with a little for aggressiveness in my knuckles.

I heard shuffling and mumbling behind the door and it opened quickly, the air being sucked from outside.

"What could you possibly want from me?" He had a small smirk to his face as he wiped his morning eyes.

I couldn't help but to scan the body in front of me. It was like instinct. He was only wearing boxers. I must say that the man had to work out because he surely had a toned body. I quickly wiped off the ogling eyes on my face and snapped back to reality. 

"At some point I guess I dropped my keys. Can I look around here?" I asked politely, not wanting to piss him off.

"Yeah sure. Be quick." He mumbled. I saw an eye roll but I chose to ignore it because he is being nice and letting me into his house. The only place that I had been in his house was the kitchen and maybe the living room. I knew for a fact they probably weren't in here because I had them on the street last night. Maybe someone had been generous and brought them inside.

I walked in and started looking everywhere I could think of in his large house. 30 minutes had passed and I still had yet to find them. It dawned on me that I had completely forgotten that I had snuck out last night. My parents probably thought I was still asleep so they had not checked on me. I had a limited amount of time before I needed to be back and sneak back up to my room before I was caught.

"Justin, I really can't find them, and I have to go soon. Have you seen them?" I pleaded.

"You mean these" he smirked holding my keys up.

My jaw dropped to the floor. He had had them the whole time I was frantically searching for them. I was beginning to grow pissed off.

"You mean to tell me you've had them the whole time I've been searching your house?!" My voice rose a little.

"Is there a problem with that?" I wanted to smack the smirk off of his face. "Yes Justin! I have to be home before my parents catch me! give me the damn keys!" I was almost at screaming level now.

Next thing I knew I was clutching my left eye as I felt the tears roll down my face. He had just throw the keys at me, and hit me in the face. I could feel my eye pulsing with my finger tips and the tears wouldn't stop.

Justin was hysterically laughing across the room at the fact that he hurt me. What was wrong with him?

"Look, I don't know what the hell your problem is or why you would even throw the keys and hurt me purposely but you're an asshole. What is wrong with you?" The tears had started to dry up now but I was actually hurt deep down that he would do that and think it was okay.

"I don't care what you have to think about me, I only care about myself." He was still laughing and it made me uncomfortable that he could actually act like that.

I bent down to pick my keys up off the floor. "You know Justin, you're actually a piece of shit and I should have never came to your lame ass party. The only reason I came was to make out with your best friend, who by the way, looks twice as good as you and can probably kiss a lot better than you ever could." I stormed pass him making sure to bump his shoulder extra hard, and out the house making sure to slam the front door. That definitely had to hurt his ego.

Justin's P.O.V

Lightly rubbing the shoulder that Acacia just number, I chuckled to myself a little. Did she think she could actually hurt my feelings? I'm Justin Bieber. The literal king of the school. No one could possibly ever even compare to me. I love playing these mind games and she is a walk in the park when it comes to getting her all crazy.

I watched Acacia through my front door run across the lawn and down to her car. I'm pretty positive I had her crying after she ran off but I could care less, she did it to herself by even trying to mess with me.

Why did I hurt her, and why did it not care? I've said it once and I will say it again. No one can mess with me. I won't admit it to anyone ever but she did bruise my ego by kissing Sam. She's trying to play a dangerous game but I promise she won't win.

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