My Muse

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Plot- Zayn is an artist looking for a muse and finds one in Louis

Something happened to the original book I did so I had to start again.

Zayn walked into his studio and walked to his large table before grabbing a can of black spray paint. He walked over to the painting on the wall he was working on and covered his mouth and nose with his shirt before beginning to spray. After about an hour of working on it Zayn heard the door to his studio open and footsteps coming towards him. Zayn turned to see his agent Niall looking pissed.

"Why the hell did you tell the buyer to fuck off?" He said.

"Because he wanted to give a master piece to a sixteen year old." Zayn said.

"Are you serious Zayn!!" Niall said. "If the guy wanted to give it to his seven month old then you let him. He was offering thirty thousand dollars for that painting."

"I don't care, I want my paintings to go to someone who will appreciate them not someone who will hang it up then a year or so later throw it away." Zayn said. Niall sighed and sat down on a chair. Zayn could tell that Niall was going to let it go but sometime later Zayn would pay for it.

"Have you got a new painting for me yet?" He asked. Zayn ignored him while he picked up a different color. Zayn hadn't made a new painting that he thought was good enough to sell in seven months. It wasn't like he wasn't trying it was just that he didn't have a muse. His last muse broke his heart by cheating on him.

"Zayn, it has been seven months since Josh cheated, don't you think it is time to move on." Niall said. Zayn whirled around so pissed off.

"Shut your mouth Niall" He said before putting his spray can down on the table then storming out of the studio. He walked a few blocks away before he came to a tattoo parlor and for some reason he walked into the parlor. He saw a guy with curly hair tattooing another guy, then he saw another guy with brown hair and brown eyes standing against the back wall, talking on the phone. The last guy he saw took his breath away, he had brown hair and the most beautiful blue eyes he had ever seen. His arms were covered in tattoos and he looked like a model.

The guy was leaning on the front counter looking at a art magazine. Zayn knew that magazine because he was in it. The guy who was tattooing finished up with the other guy and the guy paid and left. The guys hadn't seen Zayn yet and started talking.

"Why do you look at that so much?" The curly haired guy said. The guy who was talking on the phone came up to them after putting his phone away.

"It's because he fancies the guy named Zayn." He said.

"So what if I do?" Blue eyes said. "He is hot and his art is amazing." Zayn smiled before walking up to the guys. Blue eyes, eyes's widened and the others just smirked.

"Welcome to Black Rose" Brown eyes said. Zayn just nodded.

"Do you have a tattoo design in mind?" The curly haired guy asked.

"I want the words nobody is perfect on my chest." Zayn said. The curly haired guy looked at Blue eyes.

"Louis here will hook you up." He said.

"Harry, go clean your station up." The brown haired guy said.

"Hey look who is talking Liam." Harry said point at a messy station before heading to his own station. Louis put the magazine away before straighting up. He walked over to his station and Zayn followed him, Zayn grabbed the bottom of his shirt and pulled it over his head as Louis turned around and froze when he saw Zayn's tattooed chest. Zayn smiled before laying on his back on the table. Louis shook his head and went to work on the tattoo. They sat there in silence for a little while before he grew curious.

"Did you mean it?" Zayn asked.

"Mean what?" Louis said.

"That you think my art is amazing." He said. Louis paused before looking at him.

"What else did you hear?" He said. Zayn chuckled then smiled at him.

"You look at the art magazine because you think I'm hot and my art is amazing." Zayn said. Louis blushed and looked away making Zayn reach up and pull Louis's face back towards him.

"I am flattered and I think you are hot too."

"Really?" He said smiling.

"No" Zayn said making Louis's smile disappear. "I think you are incredibly sexy." Louis shocked him by leaning down and kissing him on the lips. It was only a peck but Zayn felt fireworks so he grabbed the back of Louis's head and pulled him down to him and kissed him. It was hot and heavy with a lot of tongue until someone cleared their throat. They looked over to see Harry and Liam standing a few feet away smiling. Louis blushed but Zayn just smiled and turned his head to look at Louis. Louis went back to finishing the tattoo.

After he was finished Zayn went to the mirror to check it out. It looked awesome. He went back to Louis and paid him then grabbed his hand and a pen and wrote his number down in the middle of his hand.

"Call me" Zayn said before leaning in and kissing him quickly before leaving. He walked back to the studio to see Niall pacing the floor. When he saw Zayn he sighed in relief.

"I'm sorry about what I said I was wrong to say that." He said.

"No, you were right, I needed to move on and I think I just did." Zayn smiled.

I am so not good at kissing scenes. Vote, Comment and Follow

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