Watch Out

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Plot- Louis rescues a man from almost getting hit by a car

Louis was having a horrible day. His boss was a homophobic prick and decided to promote the worst employee. Everyone knew Louis should have been promoted but since the boss was a prick he didn't. Louis had had enough and went to confront his boss and by the end of the yelling match Louis quit his job. He left telling the boss to fuck himself.

He left the building feel both happy and sad. He now needed to find a new job and telling his ex-boss to fuck himself didn't go great on his application. He walked down the street wondering what he should do when he noticed a guy walking across the street looking down at his phone. Louis then noticed the car coming straight for him. Louis ran as fast as he could and barely managed to push the guy out of the way before the car slammed into Louis. Louis went flying over the car and hit the ground, before he passed out he heard the sexiest voice in the whole world.

"I'm so sorry dude" he said. Louis woke up in the hospital the next day wondering what the hell happened. He looked down to see his left leg in a cast all the way up to his knee and his arm was in a cast with a sling over it. He looked around and saw a guy standing by a window. Louis only saw half his face but it was enough to remember what happened. He was hit by a car saving him. The guy sighed before turning to him. He smiled when he saw Louis was awake.


"Hey" Louis said.

"Do you remember what happened?" He asked. Louis nodded. "I'm sorry about the whole thing I should have been paying attention."

"Don't worry about it I will add it to the list of shitty things that happened to me that day." Louis said then tried to sit up. The guy came to his rescue and helped him sit up.

"I'm Zayn by the way." He said.

"Louis" he said.

"I payed the hospital bill so don't worry about that and I talked to your mother for you." He said.

"Wait what?" Louis said.

"Your phone was recovered and it kept ringing so I picked it up for you. Your mother said that she would be here soon." Zayn said.

"Great, that's just fucking great, first my homophobic ex-boss tells me I don't get the promotion that everyone knew I deserved and had spent seven years of my life working for then I quit because he is a douche, then I save a guy from getting hit by a car and break my leg and arm doing it, now you tell me I have to deal with my step mother and her stupid fake love for me, Merlin can life suck even more for me." Louis said.

"I'm sorry, if it makes you feel better I can get you a job." Zayn said.

"Don't bother I'm not worth it." Louis said. Zayn had had enough and grabbed Louis by his gown and kissed him. It was a hard and quick kiss. Zayn pulled away and glared a Louis.

"Don't you dare say that again, you are worth it. I am setting you up as my assistant and that's final." Zayn said. Louis just nodded to in shock to say anything.

"And that's how we met." Louis said to his six year old daughter.

"Papa, what happened next?" Sarah said.

"Well when I got better I went to work for your Daddy and a week later we started dating then a few years later Daddy asked me to marry him I said yes then a few years later we adopted you." Louis said watching his little girl rub her eyes and yawn.

"Goodnight sweetheart" he said before kissing her head and leaving the room. He entered his bedroom next door to see his sexy husband in bed reading.

"What was the story this time?" He asked looking up from his book.

"She wanted to know how we met." Louis said. Zayn sighed.

"She must think I'm a complete ass for not paying attention." He said.

"I don't think so, she loves her Daddy to much to think that." Louis said getting into bed. The kissed before falling asleep in each others arms

Really had a hard time with ending this one. Hope you like it

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