Chapter Five

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The next day actually was fun. It turned out to be eventful. When I got up, Mark surprised me.

“Get yourself ready, we’re going shopping today,” he told me without even saying good morning.

“Seriously? What kind of shopping?” I asked, still pretty tired and out of it.

“Clothes shopping. We’re going to the mall. I can tell that you’re going to keep bothering me if I don’t get you some things and I only have so many clothes to share. Get ready, we’re leaving in an hour.” I didn’t know what had gotten into him. It was the second day in a row where he was willing to buy me things. I glanced at the Christmas tree in the corner and wondered if even he had a little Christmas cheer in him.

I showered and let my hair air dry. I decided to go with my own jeans, shoes, and tank top and I stole a zip up from Mark to go over it. I put on some makeup as well.

Once I was done in the bathroom, we left. I stole a granola bar that I ate during the car ride. When we got to the local mall, I realized that I was in heaven. I hadn’t been shopping in a while, and there were crazy deals everywhere for Christmas.

“So, what’s my budget?” I asked Mark, eyeing some of my favorite stores.

“There isn’t one,” Mark said.

“No, seriously. What’s the budget? I’m good at finding deals, so it’s not a problem. I just need to know what it is so I can plan out my purchases.”

“I’m not giving you a budget. If you try to get me to buy you something ridiculous, then I’ll reject it, but you don’t have a limit other than that. You’ll be with me for a while, so you’re going to need stuff. I might as well get it all now rather than later,” Mark explained.

“Oh,” I said. I didn’t know what else to say, so I stayed quiet. We began wandering into stores and I very quickly found things I wanted. Even though I was told that I had no budget, I still tried to pick out things that were on sale or that were at least decently priced. I got tanks, t shirts, cute tops, a sweatshirt, a couple more pairs of jeans, shoes, socks, and even a purse. It didn’t stop there, though. I still needed undergarments.

“I’m almost done, but there is one last store I need to go to…” I announced, slowing my steps as we approached Victoria’s Secret.

“Alright, I’m out. Meet me at the entrance when you’re done,” he said.

“But you have to come with me to pay,” I reminded him.

“I’ll give you my card and you can do it yourself,” he decided.

“But you won’t be able to approve my purchase, then. I could buy everything in the store and max out your card,” I said.

“You wouldn’t.”

“I don’t know. It would be pretty good payback for you kidnapping me, ya know.” Mark rolled his eyes, but gave in. He reluctantly walked into the store with me. I made sure to be extra obnoxious. I grabbed multiple bras and asked Mark which one he liked better and he just looked away, clearly very embarrassed to be in the store. After a few minutes, I decided to give him a break. I had to try on a few things, anyways, so I disappeared into the dressing room.

In Mark’s POV:

Why would I ever agree to something like this? I thought I had planned out this whole kidnapping thing pretty well, but I never thought about the fact that I would have to take the girl shopping at Victoria’s Secret. I was very thankful when she went into the dressing room and I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket. It was Wade calling me. I needed a distraction from my current situation, so I decided I would tell Wade about Claire.

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