Chapter 2.

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Your Pov.      (Start song as you want)

It was tuesday. Four days since Apollo said that I'm his daughter, counting today and saturday, too.

I really tried to avoid my mobile, it was extremely hard, but since I had so much to think about, I just heard music or watched TV. I couldn't think of reading, I couldn't bring up enough concentration in these days.

Mostly I thought about CHB of course. I wondered how it'll be. I feared it, but also couldn't wait 'till I finally came there.

Next week, friday, summer holidays start, so it will be okay if I am away from school, since there is not much to do anyways.

It was my second lesson, the first two lessons were double-lesson. I heard a knock on the door. I, curious as I am, turned around to see, who would come trough that door.

And then everything went fast. Two figures didn't even really come into the classroom as my, you could say archenemy, Allie, jumped up.

I don't know why, but I hated her since I got to know her a bit. She had such a negative strange personality.
And now. Boom. She just turned into an Empousa.

I squinted to the door, for a short second. This second was enough. A girl with brown braided hair. Small feathers in it. Definitely Piper. Beside her a scrawny boy with brown curly hair. Definitely Leo.

All my classmates began to scream. I don't know what they saw, but they ran out of class, thrusting aside Piper and Leo. Even my teacher went crazy.

It didn't take 8 seconds until I was alone with the two demigods and the Empousa. I couldn't but let out a sassy comment, unlike my school me: ,,Well, after that ugly outfit you had on today I thought you would at least be pretty, but..."  Of course I knew Empousai normally look beautiful, but she didn't look beautiful for me, even with mist she didn't.

She whipped her head around to face me. She didn't even stand 3 metres away. But I still felt calm as I stared into her eyes. That I felt calm worried me slightly, but I let my instincts handle this one for me.

,,I don't know, maybe you have a prettier voice now? Lets make a sing battle!" I enthusiastically continued.
She was confused. Her facial expression showed.

,,Oh? I shall start?" My eyes went to Piper and Leo, both had different faces.
Piper was a mix of knowledge what I do and Concern because of what I do.
Leo was more like "Oh gosh is she doing what I think she does?! Totally Awesome"

I tried not to chuckle at his face. ,,Shall I start? What do you think?" I asked the two. ,,Uh.. totally! But I think the Empousa is better" It took Piper a second but she worked with me.

I turned back to the Empousa. ,,If you're okay with it, I want to start with I Write Sins Not Tragedies from Panic! At the Disco."
I started my phone with the song.

I nearly screamed the Chorus with all of my heart. As the song ended Leo and Piper clapped. The Empousa didn't move the whole song, unless to sit onto a table.

,,Well, that was...good. But of course I am better." She hissed. ,,After I sang, and all of you think I sing like a, you would say goddess" she made a grimace ,,You must die."

,,Of course we are not dumb" I rolled my eyes in annoyance. ,,What do you want to sing?" I asked again fully enthusiastic and smiling.

,,The monster  from Rihanna." The Empousa said, quite selfconfident.

Her voice was already now sounding like old leaves, scraping on to the ground, combined with an old mans voice that hasn't been used his whole life. I was curious how her singing voice would sound like.

Praying - Leo Valdez x Fangirl!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now