Chapter 4.

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,,Where are we?" You asked. You flew on Festus since maybe 2 or 3 days, it was hard to keep track of the days since the days usually were just flying, landing and buying food, sleeping and flying again. Sometimes you didn't even stop to land. But then again it was hard to sit the whole time. Well, the landings stopped eventually as you reached the ocean, which was this morning.
,,I don't know where exactly, but we should reach mainland in about 1 hour." Leo answered, after checking. ,,I've never been to America! Oh, it'll be so exciting!" You yelled enthusiastically. ,,Ah, well it's not so special." Piper grinned. ,,Pff, at least the Camp will be really extraordinary. Oh god I can't believe I'm actually going to meet them all!" Your excitement got bigger and bigger. ,,How do you even know 'everything' about us?" Piper asked curiously. ,,I don't know if I'm allowed to tell that, since you obviously don't know..." You thought about what you could say but there was nothing you thought was believable and not the truth. ,,I have a question too. What did you mean with the one?" It was the first serious question you asked.
,,There's, uh, a new prophecy..." Piper said. The way she said it was as if she's feeling uncomfortable. ,,Yeeeaah???" You asked, wanting her to continue.

The child of a god,
asked for a lot.
She will destroy,
and she will break.
To ask was a mistake.

The dreams she had,
Were the seeds of bad.
Her life, full of love and joy
Will she eventually destroy.
By own hand and own will,
She finally will kill.

To ask was a mistake,
She only once made.

,,What. The. Actual. Fuckity. Fuck."
You exclaimed. ,,You think I'm going to kill someone?" Your voice was a tad higher than usual. After some seconds you added, quietly, but loud enough for them to hear you. ,,You know me since, i don't know, 3 days and you think I could kill someone. I DON'T EVEN KILL ANIMALS, I'M FREAKING VEGETARIAN!" Well the last sentence wasn't quietly. ,,You thought I could be it, even though we didn't know each other, it was the first day we saw each other. God, I wish we would be on the Argo II then I could go to my room, but NO I HAVE TO STAY HERE WITH YOU!" You were seriously hurt and because of that you were also angry. And really sad.

Both whispered a quite "sorry."
The rest of the hour was spent in a depressing silence. ,,We are in 10 minutes in Camp." Leo informed you. You spent the last minutes thinking about the situation, and despite that you rarely do that, you spoke up to say sorry. ,,I'm sorry. I tend to overreact if I'm hurt. It isn't your fault that you automatically assumed it could be me, and who knows? Well fate does, yeah. What I wanted to say is that maybe the prophecy is about me." It took all of your will to say that,  you weren't one to say sorry, but you didn't want to be mean to them. You wanted them as your friend and future husband. ,,Actually, we have to say sorry too, it isn't right just to assume that you could be a killer." Piper said. ,,Well, now you aren't the only vegetarian anymore." You smiled. ,,Leo?" You asked, wanting him to say something too. ,,Piper's right, we shouldn't have said such things." He sounded somewhat absent-minded, but you wanted to give him some 'freedom'.
You and Piper were chatting the last few minutes and the excitement and nervousness grew even more. ,,We're there." Leo announced, again his old, bubbly self. ,,Oh. My. Fucking. God!" You nearly screamed Leo deaf. ,,I still have to correct to Gods, whoops!"
You looked down, seeing forest, lakes, some buildings and a large strawberry field. Festus was now in a landing flight, right into the middle of the camp. Oh your nervousness grew. What if they didn't like you? You weren't even sure if Piper and Leo liked you. You landed. Soon many people were around you, also Chiron. Carefully you climbed down and onto the ground. ,,Hello..?" You shyly waved. And then you saw the golden light appear around you and you looked over your head to see the Kithara. (the instrument of apollo)
You smiled as you looked again to see your new... family, I guess. ,,Uhm, my name is (y/n), I'm (age) and as you see or saw, I'm a daughter of Apollo." Meanwhile Leo and Piper climbed down and stood next to you. Chiron moved first, to bow down, while saying: "All hail (y/n), daughter of Apollo." The rest bowed down too. You felt a warm tingle in your stomach. ,,Now (y/n), I want to speak to you in the big house. But first.." he turned his head to the left, looking for someone. ,,Ah, Will, would you show (y/n) around and show her the cabin?" Will agreed and slowly but surely the people went their ways, knowing there were no informations to get right now. You took your bags and turned to Leo and Piper. "See you later, I guess?" And then went to go see the Camp a bit, together with your new brother. ,,Could we please go to the cabin first? These bags are getting heavy after some time." You asked. ,,Of course. Soo, (y/n), how does it come that Dad was here?" He asked. You snorted: ,,Important things first, of course. He was here because I'm not a born demigod. How's your relationship with Nico going?" He blushed and stared at you, confused, maybe even shocked. ,,Good, I guess...? How'd you know that I'm in a relationship with Nico, you don't even know hi-" you stopped him: "Of course I know who he is!" You were amused. You reached a cabin that looked like what you imagined the Apollo cabin would look. You snorted. ,,What's so funny?" Will asked, looking at you from the side. ,,I always imagined it looking like that. That's so typical Apollo." You answered.

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