Chapter 3.

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Festus came and I was in awe! He looked like I always imagined him, and even more beautiful, if that's possible.
,,Aren't you a beautiful little dragon?" You asked with your special-for-pets-voice as you comforted his snout.
(we all got this voice and you know it)

He began to click in morse-code. You turned to Leo. ,,Sorry, never learned it. What is he saying?" You asked
,,He, uh, he likes you-" he waited for more clicking sounds to end. He blushed. ,,And wants you to be my girlfriend." He muttered out quick. It was luck that you understood him nevertheless. ,,Good boy." You whispered in Festus direction. As you looked at Leo again his nose was on fire and his face as red as a tomato.
You grinned shyly, your face heating up a bit too. You tried to make up something jokingly but your mind was blank.

As you glanced over to Piper you knew you were screwed. Her 'evil' little Aphrodite smile said everything. You tended to overreact if you felt exposed, so your reaction was to yell at Piper. "DON'T YOU DARE SAY A SINGLE WORD!" Your face heated up even more. ,,Leo your nose." You muttered after a moment. You turned back to Festus. ,,Shouldn't we, you know, pick up my things and then go, well fly, to camp?" You asked silently.
,,I think you should sit in the middle." You could practically hear Piper's wink. As everyone sat at the right place Leo cleared his throat. ,,So, you got a boyfriend? I'm sure a pretty girl like you does..." You tried not to squeal, it was so hard that you choked on air and spit. You coughed. ,,No." You said after everything was okay again. ,,No, I don't have a boyfriend." With much strength you held back the "well some fictional ones, yeah, but 'real'? Nope."

You heard Piper chuckle quietly behind you. You gave her your right elbow. ,,Ouch!"
,,It's your fault." You muttered like you were throwing a tantrum.
Leo chuckled. ,,I'll show you where my house is." You said, whilst you leaned against him, reluctantly, slowly. You never liked touching people this much, but you would fall off the dragon if you wouldn't hold on to something.
"OTP!" Piper yelled excitedly. You blushed, but said nothing. After 3 minutes or so of flying you came eventually to your house. Festus landed on a field, which was next to the garden. ,,Do you, uh, you know want to come in? Have something to drink or eat?" Slowly both began nodding their heads. ,,My mom is great! She'll be very nice and everything, don't worry." You said as you walked in front of them. As you reached the door your mother opened it hurriedly. ,,Oh goodness, you are okay! I was worried about you!" She hugged you tightly. ,,And they are...?: She asked after a moment. ,,Oh, they're Piper McLean and Leo Valdez. You know them, don't you? I told you thousands of times about them." You tried to get her to remember. After a moment you saw her face light up, then it went even darker. ,,I...Can we talk a moment?....Alone?" You knew what she would want to talk about. ,,No, no it's okay." You sent Leo and Piper in the house and followed. A few steps in the house you turned around. ,,You should be happy for me. I...I don't want to leave you, but it's where I belong...And... Yeah it's not like the world is going to end. Oh, and I'll visit you." You smiled sadly, then turned around to follow the demigods into the kitchen. ,,What do you want to drink? Or eat?" The two must've heard what you said to your mother because they exchanged rather sad glances. ,,Oh well." You got cookies and Soda. ,,Just sit here until I come back, doesn't take long, bag's already packed." You went to your room, grabbing the bag from under your bed. As you were in your room, looking around if something was missing your mother came in.
,,(y/n)? I'm sorry, I... believe in the things you said now.. Leo was on fire." She stopped a moment to grin, though her eyes showed a little fear. ,,If you're safe in the...?" ,,Camp." ,,If you're safe in the camp, it'll be good enough for me." She smiled with a hint of sadness. You hugged her. ,,Thanks mom, I'll call you, not over mobile of course. But the mist, you'll see" you smiled and grabbed both your 'book' and clothes bag.

,,I'll say goodbye to (sibling) too." You said to your mother. You went to the living room. ,,Goodbye (sibling)" you smiled a bit. They looked at you confused. ,,goodbye?" It sounded more like a question. You turned around and walked to the kitchen. ,,You ready?" You asked Piper and Leo. Both of them suddenly stopped talking as you came. ,,Did you talk about me?" You asked, curious as you were. ,,No, no..." Piper said, she glanced nervously to Leo. Oh well, if they want to talk about you, then why not. You were to excited to care about it. Your brain saved it for later, when you're having a mental breakdown. Maybe, you thought, you'll get no more breakdowns now. You didn't really believe that.

You went to the door. ,,Goodbye mom." You held back tears. ,,I love you." You smiled and went outside. Leo and Piper following you. ,,So, uhm, I think we should get to know us a bit more..." Piper suggested on the way back to Festus. ,,yeah, probably a good idea.." You were really sad about leaving your mother. Leo glanced at you and saw you struggling. He grabbed your hand, out of reflex. Your head turned to look at him, surprised, face heating up.
You felt his hand loosening a bit as he said: ,,If yo..u... don't want-" You smiled and grabbed his hand tightly. Piper knew to shut up right now. As you reached Festus, you came back to the 'get to know each other better' thing. ,,I think it would be fair if you started asking me the questions since I know a lot about you..." you said as Leo was climbing up on the dragon. As he reached the top he held out his hand for you to grab. You grabbed it and climbed up as well. ,,Yeah, um okay. WHO are you?" Piper asked while climbing up herself.

,,Uh, my name is (y/n), I'm (age). I'm a daughter of Apollo." You said, not really knowing what to say. ,,But why are you so special? There was never a god at camp saying there is this demigod that needs to be picked up." Piper asked, as Leo gave Festus the signal to fly. ,,It's because I'm not a born demigod..." you said quietly.
Both turned around, surprised.
,,What?! How is that even possible?"
Leo exclaimed. ,,I prayed" you smiled. ,,Aaaaand why exactly did you pray?" Piper asked. ,,Th....That's personal..." You said quietly, not wanting to bother them with your depression-like mood you have sometimes. Leo understood. ,,What's your favorite color? I must know in what color I should buy you presents, or not?" You chuckled. ,,Actually it is (f/c)." You answered.

And so it went on, both asking you questions about simple things like food or songs, things you like and things you don't like.

This chapter has about 1,240 words. I'm going to make the journey to the camp as short / exciting as possible, but you'll see in the next chapter. Hope you enjoyed to read this piece of OTP-ness.

Praying - Leo Valdez x Fangirl!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now