Vinny and Cam's Story

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After Jess was born, the villain baby boom began. Poison Ivy had been having a rather scary dilemma for months before Harley had Jess. She was dying. She had been alive for way longer than anyone thought, but she was starting to expire. So she heard the news of Harley's pregnancy, it gave her the answer to her problems. She would have a child who would carry on her legacy of keeping the plants of the city safe from humans. Only problem, she hated mankind. She wasn't going to have a kid with a meat sack! 

She spent weeks trying to create this special seed that would grow a child like plant. One that would have to same power and love of plants that she did. Once the seed was complete she planted in a bassinet filled with dirt and waited. It took 7 weeks and three days for the plant to be fully grown. It would have taken longer if it weren't for Ivy's power. When she finally herd the cry of her child she rushed in the find, not one but two little green tinted babies laying there in the dirt. A bouncing baby boy and a gorgeous baby girl. 

She than devoted the rest of her life to teaching her two children about the plants of the world and how to control there powers. But, just like Jess, Batman took the toddlers as soon as he was done building the school, he took them away

She was pissed! What parent wouldn't be. She was dying and now she has to give up the only two things that can save what shes been working for, ever since her accident in the lab. She didn't resist though. She only demanded that they are taught everything about mother plant life and how to defend themselves, just in case shes not here when they are finally released.

Her request sparked a thought in Batman's mind. All of these kids are going to be shielded from the city, they someday released with no way of knowing how to defend themselves. 

"I will personally teach the children how to fight and survive, but that doesn't mean that I wont try to lead them in the right direction of using their abilities for good." He stated with a stern voice.

"And I will personally thank you, but I can't believe the world's greatest detective is so utterly stupid to go through with this. Don't you see that keeping them in there for this long will only make them more hateful. No matter what you try to teach them, they will always resort to what has been inside of them since the day they were born. Their demons will control them, not you."

"Is that a threat?!"

"No, just some mere advice... Good luck Batman. You're going to need it." Ivy then kissed his cheek and he left with the twins.

Now Vinny and Cam are seniors at the academy and at the end of the year they're going to be released at the end of the year. They will finally get a chance to continue their mothers life work. Well, unless they chose differently that is.

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