Four ; D4

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Most gods throw dice, but Fate plays chess, and you don't find out 'til too late that he's been playing with two queens all along.

—Terry Pratchett

Ishiko stood tall in front of her superior. Her blazer had no wrinkles nor did her white blouse, and her black skirt limply circled the middle of her thighs. Her arms hung by her sides as she stared forwards blankly. Across from her sat Tsubaku Tanaka, founder of Requiem.


The female nodded, moistening her lips before droning on. "I have successfully entered the chatroom, and set up the persona Kiri. Many were suspicious, Jaehee Kang, Seven-Zero-Seven, and Jumin Han. Those three have yet to be persuaded. Seven-Zero-Seven acts like he doesn't care in the slightest, but I've gotten multiple alerts of him attempting to find my apartment. The other two, Hyun Ryu and Yoosung Kim have no suspicions. They welcomed 'Kiri' with open arms."

The male nodded as she finished her speech, narrowing his coal colored eyes. "When do you expect to infiltrate and destroy Mint Eye? " he inquired. The azure haired female briefly paused before answering. "One month." She blinked once as Tanaka nodded in approval. "I expect no less from my best," he hummed whilst bringing his hand under his desk and unlocking a secret compartment. Her steel grey eyes narrowed a fraction as he presented the object to her. It was a small wooden box, but what was inside...

"Take this. I assume you've gotten accustomed to your new ability?" He tossed the box to the female who caught it swiftly with one hand. She nodded in confirmation. "Only use that when absolutely necessary. Understood?"


The assassin weaved through the streets with expert precision, avoiding pedestrians in a hurry to get on with their mundane tasks. Out in the world she was now Kiri, a girl who had a brother but recently lost him to a random thug. A girl who cared a little too much for the people around her and had a knack for getting into things she really shouldn't. The complete opposite of her true self. Her gaze scanned the shops, looking for somewhere to sit down and think.

Eventually she spotted The Lucky Cat , a café she had visited days prior. She enjoyed the pastries there and had yet to try the coffee. The little bell jingled joyously, announcing her presence to the people within. But just as like last time no one spared a glance. They were too wrapped up in their own lives. But unlike last time, she was unaffected by their lack of interest. Kiri was not one for attention.

The female strolled up to the counter, skimming through the menu. The caramel sounds disgusting. Cinnamon and vanilla, no. Pumpkin and spice, no. Vanilla bean... no. Berry mix iced tea? Perhaps.

"Good morning, welcome to The Lucky Cat café! How may I take your order?" A familiar, cheerful voice chimed. Kiri tore her gaze from the menu to the blonde in front of her. Her eyes betrayed no recognition as she studied him. The man had twin clips holding back a section of his hair, the rest of it in a low pony. His shirt was a blue button up, rolled at the sleeves. "Berry mix Iced tea please," she replied without missing a single beat.

The boy, Yoosung Kim, opened his eyes widely when he heard the voice. "Of course! I apologize if I sound weird, but are you Ishiko?" He asked, totaling up her amount. The female raised a brow, "Ishiko? No, you must have me confused with someone else." She forced a smile onto her face and prayed it looked convincing. Yoosung laughed awkwardly before shuffling away to fill her order.

Yoosung Kim, it slipped my mind that he worked in this establishment. An unnecessary error. She murmured in her mind. Her attention lingered back into the realm of reality when the blonde slid her drink towards her and collected the money. "Is it okay if I ask your name? I'm Yoosung!" He said. The female tapped her chin, another characteristic that belonged to Kiri. "Hmmm, my name? Call me whatever you want." She replied with a sneaky grin. I feel as if my lips are stuck.

The boy opened his mouth to form an 'o' as he nodded. "Uh, I'll call you Haneul! Since your hair reminds me of the sky!" A childish smile spread across his lips as Kiri nodded. "I like it. Well, see you around Yoosung." Spinning on her heel, the agent made way for the doors once more. The glass panels swung shut behind her as she sighed deeply through her nose. Being Kiri was already giving her a headache. But on the bright side, as soon as she finished the mission she would be free of such an annoying facade.

The girl began walking again, not particularly thinking of a destination. Wherever her feet would take her, she supposed. This mission didn't call for much action; just to keep her phone on her at all times.

"Haneul! Wait up!"

The blue haired girl paused mid-step to glance over her shoulder. There, racing towards her with a determined look on his face, was Yoosung. His apron was off, meaning he most likely is on break or off for the rest of the day. As soon as Ishiko saw him running towards her, the instinct to run was powerful. But Kiri waited for the male to catch up. When he did, the man was out of breath and hunched over with hands on his knees.

A confused look painted her features as she watched Yoosung. He has no stamina whatsoever. Pathetic, She thought to herself. "I'm so," he huffed once ", happy I caught you! Haha. U-uh..." he straightened his back. "I-I was wondering if you wanted to hang out for a bit? I know it's really weird to have a guy you just met wanna spend time with you but you seem really cool!" He stammered, rubbing the back of his neck with an embarrassed flush to his cheeks.

Inwardly, Ishiko clicked her tongue and walked away. "Oh, of course." She replied, forcing a lighthearted chuckle. "So, uh, where were you heading?" He inquired as they began to walk around the city. The female looked up to the sky with a thoughtful expression. "I don't really know, I was just...going. You know?"

Yoosung nodded in understanding, shoving his hands into his pockets. "Yeah, it's like when I'm playing LOLOL and I don't even realize how much time has gone by!" He laughed again, ducking his head and scolding himself. She probably doesn't even know what LOLOL is! C'mon Yoosung!

The blue haired girl glanced at the boy with an expressionless look. Luckily, he wasn't facing her. "LOLOL? I used to play a while back. But life got in the way." The two stopped at a bench within a park, Ishiko turned to admire the browning leaves upon the trees with a gleam in her eye. Yoosung awkwardly sat down, which soon followed by Ishiko. "Are you a college student?" She asked. Yoosung's eyes widened as he turned his body towards her. "Yea! How did you know?"

"Call it intuition." The girl waved her hand in the air with a grin. The blonde seemed to be surprised, but believed it anyways. It had to be easy to guess, right? He was about to speak again when his phone made a ping sound, alerting him of a message. Ishiko's phone went off as well and she quickly deduced that it was a chatroom. What else could it be? Coincidence?

Quickly the male fished he device out of his pocket and flipped it open. It was indeed a chatroom. "I apologize, but I need to go. It was a pleasure meeting you Yoosung." The azure haired female announced. Yoosung was typing, but upon hearing her words he looked up to at least say goodbye. But when he did, she was gone.

He sat there, his brows furrowed in confusion. How had she...? Shrugging it off, the boy went back to typing rapidly at his phone, informing his friends of the 'cool girl' he just met. Yoosung didn't bother to dwell upon what he didn't understand, he didn't even understand his life! But after a few minutes, he realized something.

He forgot to ask for her number.


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