Eleven ; V

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People live their lives thinking that death is the only thing waiting for them.

People live their lives thinking that death is the only thing waiting for them

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>Kiri has entered the chat room.

V ; You must be Kiri, the one I've been told about.

V ; Seven talks about you a lot. You seem to be a nice person.

Kiri ; You must be V, co-founder of the RFA. I did my research. It's a pleasure to finally meet you, although it may not be in person.

V ; I apologize, I am currently abroad. I would have come to the meet up if not for that factor.

Kiri ; don't worry. We will meet some day. But I have a question for you, V. Please answer honestly.

V ; of course.

>707  has entered the chat room.

707 ; OmG stop embarrassing mE~

V ; I apologize.

707 ; ya

anyway, what brought you to the chat?

V ; I came to meet Kiri.

707 ; oh


Kiri ; V, would it be possible to meet in person?

V ; ...

I will be returning tomorrow.

Kiri ; Perfect. I will send you a private message with the address.

707 ; wait

omg, Kiri you still have my jacket!!

Kiri ; oh.

I will stop by and give it back soon. :)

Just that line alone was enough to get the hacker's heart beating fast. Kiri, coming to his place? The male couldn't help but take a look at his apartment and scratch the back of his head with a chuckle. His house was a mess! His nose wrinkled at the smell of Dr. Pepper in the couch and the scattering of Honey Buddha Chip bags across the floor.

Ah, he'll just get Mrs.Vanderwood to do it.

V ; I'm afraid I must go now. It was a pleasure talking to you Kiri.

Blue Skies | 707/Luciel Choi | mystic messenger | #1Where stories live. Discover now