Ten ; Dissonance

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For the rest of the time she was there, Ishiko was lost in thought

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For the rest of the time she was there, Ishiko was lost in thought. I am sure that is the symbol I saw that night. But how could it be Yoosung? Perhaps he wasn't the one there; another person was. Her fingertips traced the frayed stitching upon the navy blue cap that she had borrowed from Yoosung, staring at it with a softened gaze - something she would never have done before.

If he was there...I have no choice but to eliminate him. Even if he doesn't seem to remember, he knew my face, She sighed. "Hey, you okay?" Seven's baritone voice latched onto her, raising her from the dark waters of her mind. Ishiko blinked at the object before raising her grey eyes to meet his amber ones. There was a hint of concern in them, which confused the female to the point she furrowed her brows. "...yes. Just thinking." She replied slowly, setting the hat aside and taking a sip of her steaming coffee.

"Are you sure? Because you just took a sip of coffee without waiting for it to cool." he chuckled, twisting the wire connecting his headphones to his phone. The blue haired girl raised a brow, taking another deliberate sip just to gauge his reaction. "I wasn't aware that I had to wait. I'm rather impatient." She hummed. "No.. you're very patient." he said. Ishiko opened her mouth to say something, but nothing came out. Was she surprised? She shouldn't be. Seven had proved himself very perceptive.

Seven laughed lightly, taking a sip of his own drink. He studied everything about Ishiko -- from the way her lips pursed when thinking to the rhythmic tapping of her fingers when stressed. He especially loved her eyes; they were so stormy and endless he wouldn't mind if he were to drown in their raging seas. Luciel continued to casually admire Ishiko while she, on the other hand, was feeling conflicted.

I have to kill Yoosung. But...how would that affect the RFA, or Luciel?

The thought caused Ishiko to lean back with narrowed eyes. Why was she suddenly thinking about how they would feel? At this point she should have already been in Mint Eye, but considering that this Unknown hadn't contacted her again; she was spending more time with the RFA then she wished. For her to go as far as to think about how they would react to her killing Yoosung; Tanaka would definitely have her going in for reconditioning. Ishiko herself had never been to reconditioning, but thinking about it made her shiver. The people she had seen come out of there...

A weight was suddenly dropped on her shoulders, startling the blue haired girl out of her thoughts for the third time in the last ten minutes. A familiar pattern of black and a darker shade of yellow appeared in the corner of her eyes--it was Luciel's jacket that was placed on her shoulders. "Luciel..." She trailed, "we are still inside. Why would I need your jacket?"

The hacker rubbed the back of his neck with a chuckle. "Well, uh, I saw you didn't bring a jacket when we came in and I just saw you shiver. I thought you were cold so...yeah." He explained a little hastily. The girl nodded in understanding before pushing herself off the chair and put the jacket on fully. It was bigger than her, that's for sure. But the sight made Luciel have to hold a hand to his face. Ishiko raised her arms to gouge how long the sleeves were and blinked.

"I see."

The next thing she did was grab her cell phone seeing as it had begun to ring. Her eyes scanned the caller ID, frowning when there was none. Her eyes briefly flickered to Luciel who was watching with a raised brow. "One moment please, I have to take this call." she informed him, walking to the exit and disappearing around the corner. Her finger pressed the green button and brought the device to her ear. There was static for a few seconds before someone began talking.

"The game...will begin soon."

The voice itself was distorted and barely recognizable, but that didn't stop her from figuring out who it was. "I look forward to it, Unknown-san. I enjoy games." she replied monotonously, resting her right arm on top of her left. Another distorted laugh reverberated within her ear before the call was ended abruptly. Ishiko frowned as she stared down at the screen, was that all she could get?

Before she could even think about her actions, she had whoever was sneaking up on her pinned against the brick wall with an arm to their neck and knee between their legs. Her steely grey eyes narrowed once they figured who it was. "Taehyung. State your business," she demanded icily. The boy - who was no older than seventeen - gave a sneaky grin. "Can't tell you that, Zero. " he replied, daring to test her waning patience. Ishiko instantly knew; Tanaka had sent him. His chocolate brown eyes studied the jacket she wore--taking in every detail.

"Where'd you get the jacket? Surly you wouldn't buy something that could get in your way during a mission. Who gave it to you?" Taehyung interrogated, playfulness hiding the underlying hostility in his voice. Ishiko and Taehyung were friends at one point, but such a relationship was beaten out of them in its early stages. She clicked her tongue before letting the boy go and taking a step backward. "Tell Tanaka that he does not need to doubt me. I will be finishing the mission in two weeks time. I will report details tomorrow."

The two glared at each other for what seemed like hours before he finally disappeared into the crowd. Ishiko frowned once more before returning to the cafe and beckoning Luciel out with her. She remained silent as the red haired hacker went on about how he was going to take Ellie -- who she had learned was Jumin Han's cat -- and replace her with another cat and the like. There was something about his voice that she enjoyed but even though it soothed her, she couldn't help but keep thinking about Yoosung. Her decision was final; but the consequences might be worse because of it.

"...Thank you." She muttered as she came to a halt at a street corner. Luciel looked a little confused, but still turned to face the girl who was holding the jacket tighter to her body. "hm? For letting you borrow my jacket? You can take it anytime~" he cooed with a cat like grin on his face. Ishiko fought the smirk that was threatening her lips as she turned away. "Yeah. I will see you around Luciel. I have to get back to work." She didn't give him a chance to reply before she was off, along with his jacket. But he didn't mind, the fire in his heart kept him warm against the chilling wind. To Ishiko, she felt the cold even more with every step she took away from Luciel. A frown tugged her lips, was she getting attached?

For Luciel's sake...she hoped not.


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