Twenty-Nine ; Goodbye, everyone.

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The sun was setting, casting a dark navy hue across the sky and shading the land below in the soft blanket of night. Hyun-a shivered slightly as a cool breeze ruffled her skirt and hair. It was so cold... 

"Tanaka isn't going to lay a finger on me, Hyun-a!" Luciel asserted. He could understand her fear of her boss, but to this extent? What did he do to her? He knew of the experiment and her kidnapping, but that's about it. It was frustrating to Saeyoung. He wanted to know more about her but she just wouldn't let him in. Why wouldn't she? 

Zen watched from the sidelines with angled brows. He was trying his best to calm himself down, but every time he looked at the blue haired girl he saw a killer. Call him sensitive, but he just couldn't stand with the fact that he had made friends with a murderer. Jaehee, who had been silent the entire time, gently tugged on his arm and brought him over to stand with Jumin. The businessman didn't say anything and neither did Zen. They just watched in silence as Saeyoung fought to save Hyun-a.

"You don't understand," the girl said as she stared levelly at him. "Tanaka gets whatever he wants, when he wants. There's no way a hacker like you would be able to stop him." The way she said it made Saeyoung flinch, as if being a hacker was lower than an assassin. "That's why we can fight together!" He protested. Hyun-a bared her teeth and shook her head with a humorless laugh. " Even if we worked together, we couldn't beat him and his army. Saeyoung, trust me. I'm better off dead. For both your's and my sake." 

She had taken a step back, towards the edge as she said that. Saeyoung's heart skipped a beat as he instinctively took two steps forwards to her. The girl shook her head rapidly, gripping the back of her neck as if she were in pain. It was true─she was in pain for the first time in a long while. It wasn't physical pain though, it was emotional pain. For what she was about to do and the chaos after it. "Stay away!" She snapped, holding a hand out to Saeyoung. For some reason he complied even though all he wanted to do was capture her in his arms and hold her close.

His eyes were clouded with hurt. Why won't you let me save you? They asked her. Hyun-a's own stormy hues replied with the build up of tears. Because if you do, I'm not sure if I can save you, she replied. Her head slowly turned to the space behind her, calculating the height for a single moment before returning to the people she had come to call friends.

"I'm sorry everyone," she began with as much control over her voice as she could. "I'm sorry for deceiving you. It was necessary to achieve my goal." Zen opened his mouth to say something, but Jumin beat him to it. "What was your goal, exactly?"

Hyun-a sighed. "To destroy Mint Eye. I figured since you had been targeted before It would be the perfect way into the cult. But I was wrong, I only needed to know Saeyoung to achieve this. Since his brother was a follower and had targeted him." She explained with a gesture to the red haired male. "I suppose either way, I would be involved with all of you. I'm glad I was though, you've all taught me something I never thought I'd be able to learn. Some more than others." Saeyoung couldn't help but smile loosely. "But I've failed my mission, and I've committed many treason against my organization. I have no choice but to leave you."

All of the RFA frowned as she spoke. "But we changed you, didn't we?" Yoosung asked. The blue haired girl nodded. "So you might be the girl I met in the coffee shop now! You don't have to leave, not like Rika did." He pressed. Hyun-a shook her head grimly. The blonde seemed to be the only one who understood exactly what she was going to do. "This is the only way." She affirmed.

Saeyoung quickly put the pieces together in his head, eyes widening until they might've popped out of his head. The speech, the apology...It's all a goodbye.

"But what about us? What about me? I love you, dammit. Why can't you see that?!" He demanded. Hyun-a couldn't bare to see the desperation and pain in his golden eyes. "Will you stop thinking about yourself for once!" Saeyoung yelled.

"I know, Saeyoung! I know what you feel and I-I don't know what to do! Every time I look at you my heart beats a little faster. At first I thought I was sick, but that was impossible since I've never gotten sick since the procedure." Hope blossomed in his stomach as he listened to her words. "Every time we were apart, I felt so cold. Like you provided this warmth I had never felt before...what's happening to me? Saeyoung what did you do to me?"

The red haired male cracked a smile. "You're in love." he replied simply, but he couldn't help but feel like a giddy little child inside. "By the good lord above, you are in love with me." He almost couldn't believe it because how could someone like her love someone like him? Hyun-a a couldn't hide the small smile that lingered behind her lips. She knew exactly what had happened to her, she just wanted him to say it out loud one last time.

"I'm glad." She choked out, bending her knees to that she could stroke his cheek. Saeyoung leaned into her touch trying desperately not to think of it as the last time he'll ever be this close to her. "I'm glad I fell in love with you." Her other hand gently cupped his face so that they were touching foreheads, lips a hair's breath apart. Saeyoung didn't say anything, just closed his eyes and breathed in her scent. "Thank you, Saeyoung. Thank you for loving me and... goodbye."

Before he could even register it, he had been pushed back. He stumbled backwards in disbelief. Frantically he tried to launch to the building's edge, yelling out her name with tears in his eyes. He was too late, he was always too late! He felt a pair of hands on his forearms holding him back so he didn't fall off the edge on accident. He thrashed against Zen and Jumin, trying to catch her before she was gone for good.

But by the time he freed himself, she had already fallen.

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