Sixteen ; He Knows

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" Why was this information kept from me? " she muttered under her breath as she scrutinized every detail the folder contained. Despite the secret of her past and relatives has been revealed, she couldn't find the will to react. Her fingertips absently traced circles upon the marble surface as she sat at the island kitchen. She knew why it had been kept from her, as an secret agent and assassin, a past is dangerous. 

But still a part of her felt a spark of anger, she just didn't know how to fan it. Ishiko wanted to feel insanely angry--to lash out and overthrow Tanaka like she had seen in the movies. The consequences for such an action if failed would be disastrous. Tanaka is a ruthless man, he would take everything away from her little by little until she was left with nothing but the clothes on her back. The people she loved would die horribly, tortured for days before their bodies were neatly poised in her living room, mocking her. 

It was a good thing she loved no one. 

Getting close to people was something she did on a daily basis for her job, but to form a bond with someone? It was inconceivable for Ishiko to imagine such a thing happening. 

Her mind wandered back to Jihyun, whom she had met a few days prior to the discovery. Why hadn't she seen the resemblance like he had? Jihyun was nearly blind and yet he saw her clear as day. The same goes for the RFA, they spotted the similarity as soon as Zen brought it up. 

Should she consult Luciel? He is a secret agent just like her, wouldn't it be a good idea to talk to someone who is in a similar situation? No, that would be worse! Not only would she be blowing her cover, she would be creating a bond. A sigh passed her lips as she rested her head in her arms. 

Could she be overthinking this? If she just took a step back and looked at the big picture, the reveal of her past was insignificant. She lived this long without knowing, nothing will change now. 


The sound caused her to lift her head and lazily gaze at the ID of the person who texted her. 

From 707; 

Hey Kiri, can you come over? I have something very important to ask you.

To 707 ;

I will be there soon. Please keep the door open, it's annoying to translate every time I come.

What could he possibly have to ask that he couldn't on the phone? It was her day off... Although she recalled promising to come over and talk with him, but couldn't he choose a day that wasn't her day off? 

Ishiko quickly slipped on her shoes and grabbed her wool coat before heading out the door. It felt like routine now to head out the door and to one of the member's houses. She was getting too comfortable.

"Seven, I'm here." She announced loudly so that he wouldn't be caught off guard like last time she came over. "In the living room!" He replied with somewhat of a muffled voice. The walls were the same as usual, why did she suddenly expect them to change? 

Her footsteps barely echoed on the hardwood floors as she made her way to the familiar area. She was surprised to see a serious looking red haired hacker with hands balled over his mouth.

"Please sit down," he invited with a smile in his eyes. Ishiko did as she was asked and sat down a few inches away from Luciel. His heartbeat quickened a fraction as he cleared his throat. "I asked you to come because I have a very important question that couldn't be asked on the phone," he began while turning to face the blue haired female, "please don't take this the wrong way but, who are you?"

Ishiko blinked once.


three times...but she couldn't bring herself to say something. What should she say? Luciel was clearly suspicious and saving her hide was useless if he was onto her. That said, she replied with the first thing that come to mind.

"I don't know."

Luciel opened his mouth with a confused expression. "Okay, did you just go existential because I'm going to have to stop you there." Ishiko merely sighed and set her head in her hand. "I know you already found out my real job as a Requiem agent. I figured you followed me." She murmured. Luciel's eyes widened a fraction as he jumped onto his feet on the couch, poised like L from Death Note. 

"you mean you're a secret agent like me?" he inquired with interest. The blue haired female clicked her tongue, sending her gaze to the floor. "I'm worse than you. I'm an assassin, Luciel. I'm a killer and a liar."

Luciel was certainly not expecting her to confess everything he's been suspicious of in less than ten minutes. Did this mean that Vanderwood could be right? That she has a hidden agenda? "So...what's your real name? I'll tell you mine if you tell me yours." He chuckled. Ishiko raised a brow, "I don't care whether you tell me your name or not. When I'm done I will be nothing but a ghost to you. But since it's no use keeping all these real name is Hyun-a, or so I've discovered." 

A frown tugged at his pale pink lips. A ghost...? Luciel could never see himself forgetting someone like her. "But wait, your name is korean...why did you have a japanese name before? If anything that makes you stand out more." He commented. She simply shrugged. "It's not my job to choose my covers. I only execute my role."

"Wait a second!" He exclaimed suddenly, reacting to the idea that had sprung into his mind. "Aren't you related to V? Everyone sees a resemblance but I'm still iffy about it." 

The girl who sported an uncanny resemblance to the blue haired male hummed under her breath as she nodded. "Yes. I seem to be his long lost sister -- What are you doing Luciel?" 

As she had been speaking, the red haired male had whipped out his phone and had taken a picture, furiously typing. Ishiko sighed in defeat as she shifted to lay down on the couch with her phone in hand. "Luciel..." she murmured after a silent moment. His attention quickly focused on her as he set down his own phone and gazed at her relaxed figure in wonder. "Have you ever been faced with a tough decision? Something that feels like it will tear you apart from the inside out no matter which you choose?" 

His mind briefly flashed to a girl with long brown hair and a beige sweater.

"Yea. It's inevitable in our line of work. But I guess that's why they pound out the whole 'emotions' thing, huh?" a laugh bubbled in his throat when she gave him a sideways glance. " I suppose i'm not being specific enough. Then again, who am I to involve you with my problems. They'll only get you killed." 

I'm sorry this chapter is so short and lacks filling, I'm trying to figure out how I'm going to insert the real plot into it rn lol

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