Hell Below

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After many classes with Gerad I finally began to understand demons. It was late in night and I was sitting in my room all alone.

"Azazel?" I said pretty sure I looked crazy to the average person. No one knew that I talked to a demon; not even Aristo and Tarren thought of it when I summoned her. The goat like shadow appeared on the wall with ease.

"I want to talk Azazel." The demon stared at me before leaping from the shadows for the first time and sat in front of me. I could barely see her; to humans demons looked like dark shadowy figures, but at the moment I could see her clearer than usual. She had a red eyes and shining black scales that reminded me of armor, her wings were dragon like and she had hooves. She was abnormally thin, but had the appearance of a strong demon. She had a grin on her face, I don't think she could've changed that even if she wanted to.

"Azazel. Can you see some of the future?"

I did not expect an answer.

Yes I can.

Demon telepathy. Nice.

"What do you predict?"

Blood. I see bloodshed. I see a hell bound. I see destruction. I see you falling apart.

"Oh. That's all I wanted to ask. Thank you Azazel."

The demon vanished like mist in the air.

______________The next night_________________________


The demon formed in front of me.

"What's hell like?"

It's not as bad as you think. It's nice once you get past the suffering. Not all demons are bad. But you could careless about how many of us you kill. Hell is presumed as bad, but it's just dark. People still have fun down there, there's still fields and people get together as souls. The hate you think we have comes from the high level of hell. The real bad ones. We may all worship Satan, but we are. not. all. horrible.

"I wish I could see it one day."

Maybe one day. You do not want to leave the Earth. I see it in your eyes. You want to stay for the boy.

"Yea well that boy is basically holding me down to Earth. I can't break him more than he already is."

I see.

_________________One Week Later____________________

"You don't have a mate?"

Demons usually don't stick together. Hit and run.

"Nice. What about black magic?"

Every demon has black magic within. You have lots of potential. I taught you some, you just have to improve them yourself.

"Your one of the only friends I can relate too."



I am a demon. I cannot be trusted. And I am presumably horrible. Some demons want you to feel as empty as they do. Which is why they attack sometimes. Vengeance.

"That's depressing."

Someone knocked on the door.

"Who are you talking to?" Kelly.

"Myself." I chuckled and watched Azazel fade into the air.

"Well. Nathan's looking for you. Meet him by the Great Oak."
"Alright." I smiled to myself. I felt as if I was in some sort of limbo.

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