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Chapter 1: Trash

"Raven! For the last time, take the garbage out!" Dad yelled from the couch where he was watching TV with my two younger siblings; Jerome and Aaron.

"And for the last time, I already did!" I grumbled and rolled my eyes.

"You did? When?" Dad turned to look at me.

"The first fucking time you told me." I hissed and ran a hand through my brown hair.

"Raven! No cursing in front of the boys! How many times do I have to say it?!" Dad shot up and got right up in my face. I stared directly into his dark brown eyes with my blue ones.

"Dad, Aaron is 6 and Jerome is 5. I'm sure in 5 and 6 years they've heard enough of your cursing to know what it is." I raised my eyebrows, shots fired.

"Go to your room, now." Dad clenched his fists and glared at me.

"Already was going to." I mumbled turning around and heading back up the stairs. I haven't eaten the entire day, but of course that doesn't matter to my parents. Not one bit. It was Monday, 9:30 pm. last time I've eaten, Saturday, with at least one small meal a day. Parents still haven't noticed. I walked into my room and shut the door behind me. My room was covered in a blanket of band posters, decorative lights, skeletons, and drawings. I paused for a moment as I took notice of the dark, shadowy, monstrous, looking creature on my dark purple wall.

"I swear I see these things almost everywhere, I'm going crazy. A crazy 16 year old, great." I walked past the creature and flopped down into my bed. I was about to drift off to sleep when I remember something. I opened my eyes slowly and peered over at the knife sitting in my open drawer of my night table. Yes, it had to be done.


I threw on my long sleeved Bring Me The Horizon sweater and put on some ripped black knee high shorts. I added a spiked bracelet, a spike headband and creeper shoes.

"Mom! We're going to be late hurry up god dammit!" I yelled as my mom grabbed the keys and hurried after me out the door and into the van.

----Time Skip because car rides are awkwardly silent and boring---

Without out a word I hopped out of the car and ran into the school, a minute before the late bell rang. I ran up to Aristo, my orange haired cat obsessed friend.

"It's 88 degrees out and you're still wearing long sleeves Raven!" Aristo chuckled, she had one hand on her back bag and a nice big smile on her face.

"Oh whatever." I gave her a small smile as we arrived at homeroom. We checked in with our homeroom teacher then headed to our lockers. I was surrounded by idiots. The girl next to me on the right had a weird bug fetish, and the guy to my left was always talking about murders and killing. Aristo's locker was under me and the popular kids were further to the right. I wasn't a popular kid, but everyone knew me because of the apparently gothic outfits I wear. My outfits usually varied however, it wasn't black every single day. I gathered my books then went back into my homeroom to get on with the day that awaits me.


I muttered curse words under my breath as I headed to the lunch room, a blazing ball of fury. First block consisted of some bitches talking about me behind my back and throwing papers at me, second block we had a test I didn't even study for, and the first half of third block I realized I was apparently "not participating" and got my grade lowered. So today was going off to a good start. I marched into the lunch room, people snickering at me as I walked past. God dammit is there something on my back again? I wondered. I furiously flailed around trying to grab anything that was on my back; which was nothing actually, and that made me look like even more of an idiot. I silently put a curse on this school and continued to my homeroom table. I groaned in annoyance and sat down next to people I hate- except Aristo.

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