The Returned

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I awoke with a start. I was sitting in a cold metal cage. The door to it was open; I'm not sure why but I helped myself out. Every step felt new and refreshing. I pulled the eyepatch off gently and threw it to the ground.

Fuck littering.

I felt refreshed. I could vaguely hear a voice in my head reciting an apology. Aristo.

It didn't take me long to realize I was in the back of the hospital.

I ran out, not caring who saw - I headed straight for the table my friends sat at.


"Hi..." I huffed out; since I used all my breath while sprinting.

They looked at me. I noticed Sully was with them. The only one missing was Nathan.

Aristo ran up to me and hugged me, crying.

Luna: We thought you'd never come back..

Kelly: We missed you

Tarren: Before you ask - my arm is fine and please never do that again

Joe: First Sully then you this is...great everyone is together besides Nathan.

Sully: eyyy we can be the returned together or something! nah in all honesty I couldn't live without my blue haired friend

Me: I'm so sorry I left I- I was overwhelmed and I didn't know what I was thinking.

They smiled and for once everything seemed alright.

Aristo shifted closer to me and whispered in my ear, "I got Nathan to tell me everything that happened. I also found out some information for you... Carly is a siren it really wasn't his fault. Also he fell into a deep depression and disappeared for a few days. I would suggest making up with him." I pulled away and looked at her wide eyed.

I was in the wrong.

I only knew place where he could've been.

I half ran and half jogged to the tree where I first met him.

No sign of him.

That's when I remembered I could just use my demon senses. Whoops.


I followed the scent which eventually lead me to this like hidden beach. Matter of fact; it was pretty beautiful.

And floating on the the water a somewhat distance away was my poor Nathan just staring up at the sky.

"Nathan!" He was still a distance away but he vaguely looked around.


I guess I'm going swimming.

Without hesitation I made my way into the refreshing water, getting past the waves and swimming as hard as I could even thought I was in over my head.

"Nox?!" Familiar arms wrapped around me hold me up in the water.

I shifted myself so I was facing him; I was soaked.

"Nathan..." He was in his swim trunks and nothing but that.

So much for keeping my cool; I was complete tomato faced.

"Nox I'm sorry I'm so sorry I didn't-" I caught him off guard by just kissing him.

"I know okay... I know....Carly is a siren it wasn't you're fault..." We stared at eachother for a good minute until he finally said..

Noxious FumesWhere stories live. Discover now