Breaking Away

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Regular POV

I opened my eyes to a white room. I was in a hospital gown and I began observing where I was. I took notice to the fact there was a suitcase near the side of my bed.

What happened....I wondered.

"Welcome to Carrier Clinic dollface." I jumped out of my skin and turned to look next to me. I had a roommate. Great.

"The name's Kat. Short for Katherine." Kat smirked as she bent down to her table and started- SNORTING COCAINE?!
"What the fuck are you doing?!" The girl's hair was rasberry red and she looked up at me.

"I'm in here for drug using. Snuck in some drugs. You kinda have to get used to it. I'll let you have some if you want." She went back to snorting it then leaned back and chuckled.

"Do you know how I got here and how long I've been here...?" I asked. Better than nothing. The door was locked from the outside. Probably because it was night. There was one large window, followed by a bathroom and food on a table next to me accompanied by a menu for tomorrow. "Well this blonde came to visit you. They brought you in here after you tried to hang yourself. At least that's what I heard. You've been here for three days."

The blonde was probably my older sister Amanda. Oh, that's right.

I remember now.

I also took notice to the lack of knives for my food. Not a single razor either.

"So where-"

"Teenage Psychiatric." Kat said. She was wearing a blue tank top and black shorts.

"How long do you think I'm prisoned here?" I narrowed my eyebrows trying to figure out if there was any means to escape.

"Based on your parents dropping off a large suitcase....and cutting and suicide attempts....I'd say about a year. Maybe two if you don't get better."

"A YEAR?!" I shot up.

Oh fuck no.

Fuck to the no.

I sighed and fell back on the bed. Might as well sleep if this was the way it was going to be.

___________One week later___________________

I had my schedule and did the same shit every day. The shadow on the wall follows me everywhere. One day I woke up and it had shadow writing next to it. It said 'Azazel' no one seems to notice it so I must be crazy. I don't even know what Azazel means. Today we had access to our devices. I checked up the word and all I found was 'powerful demon that serves Lucifer'. My parents have not visited me once since I have gotten here. There's several different events I encountered in the past week.

I mean dog therapy is fun and all but it gets old sometimes. The therapist is a real ass and everyone practically goes there for the dogs. I haven't cut in a full week and I needed a way to relieve the stress from myself. I mean I know it was bad, but it wasn't so bad. Kat had a few cigarettes with her and she offered one. It's not like I had anything better to do so I followed her to the smoke room and tried it out just for the heck of it. Of course it was bad. On that day the shadow on the wall shook its head in disappointment at me. Maybe it was my conscious trying to tell me something. I had brushed it off. Nurses would give me medication and ask if I was seeing anything unusual. I did take all my medication, but I full out lied about what I was seeing.

I also had a conversation with this male on our floor.

It went a little like this:
Me: Hi.

Herald: Uh hi

Me: So why are you here?

Herald: Not something you should really ask, but uhm I'm here for OCD.

Me: Oh.

Herald: What about you

Me: Suicide and cutting attempt

Herald: LOL why

Me: excuse me?

Herald: That stuff is so stupid what the actual fuck

Me: ..

Herald: is there a problem, don't be a little bitch come on you're cute and have a nice body we could have some fun.

Me: ....

Me: *punches square in jaw and kicks in crotch*

Yea it went a little like that. Did I forget to mention I'm on extra surveillance now? Yeah well.

This nightmare will end eventually.

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