Chapter Thirteen: Dark Humor

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"You know as soon as I'm free I'm going to tear your head off, yes?" Papyrus grinned up at the doctor who was currently trying to electrocute him. He had woken up with his hands and feet strapped tightly to a metal table, wearing a weird device around his skull.

"Why aren't you dead?!" asked the doctor incredulously. Doctor Shock Therapy looked at the dial on his Electroconvulsive Therapy machine. It was cranked all the way up, but it wouldn't work for some reason.

How is this possible?

Why won't it turn on?!

"Give it up you fool. Your machine doesn't have the voltage to kill me anyway. You could use up all the power in this building and you'd still fail."


"Because I'm not really here, you can't kill that which doesn't exist. I'm nothing but a mass of color with a will, a picture of a memory, burning to cinders, a shadow with a mind, destined to fade. YOU CAN'T KILL WHAT'S DEAD AND I AM JUST THAT! NYEH HEH HA HA HA!"

".......What the hell are you talking about?"


The doctor scratched his head in confusion; he just couldn't understand it. The machine was fine! The lights were not only on, but he had taken the device off the Font and electrocuted a rat he had found before putting it back on!

Why does it work on everything but him?!

"Are you blocking the electricity somehow?! What Font are you?!"

"It doesn't matter, I've been exposed to this type of therapy since childhood. Every time I grew used to the shock, the voltage would be increased next time and another milestone would be created. I...can't remember when I surpassed four fifty," lied Papyrus.

"You speak nonsense! That's not even how electroshock therapy works!"

Yeah, as if ANY of you doctors know ANYTHING about the medical field. Just because you have the power, want, and need to electrocute someone doesn't mean you know everything about it, you fucking imbecile.

"I don't know what's going on then. Maybe the gods want me alive, nyeh heh heh..."

The doctor took out his FontSearch.

"..............Ah Papyrus. You're that liar everyone hates."

Papyrus smiled, closing his eyes. "Yeees, but at least I can go outside without worry!" He said cheerfully. "Silver lining!"


"I don't need a FontSearch to tell what Font YOU are. I don't know your name, but I can see the desperation in your sad, pitiful little eyes. You really want to kill someone via electrocution. That's probably your font acting up, correct?"

"Shut up."

"I thought so. You know, I may be hated, but at least I don't have to worry about people calling the Capture Facility every time I walk into a public place-"

"I said shut up!"

"Yeah, I know what you are you pathetic waste of space! You're one of those useless Fonts that do absolutely NOTHING for society! It's Fonts like you that made people want all of us DEAD!"

Fonttale 2: Waking the World!Where stories live. Discover now