Chapter Twenty-Two: Reminiscing With Friends

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I killed her.

My rage took control of me and I killed her!

"papyrus?" Sans put a hand on his brother's back, concerned. Papyrus was shaking like a leaf, his eyes wide in horror, completely appalled by his actions.

I strangled our mother!

I strangled her for having an OPINION!

"I...I need to sit down..." Papyrus walked away from the kitchen slowly like a zombie.

This is a nightmare...

He sat on the couch, staring at his dust covered gloves. He ground it between his fingers, an innocent person. Not a criminal in an alley, an innocent woman. A mother who had only wanted a family, who had never attacked him or Sans, had been murdered by his hand simply for having an opinion. She had taken both he and Sans in without question, given them a home, labeled herself their mother and was rewarded with death.

This wasn't like killing for protection or to protect, this was killing for relief. There was no end goal that benefited anyone but himself. He killed her because he was angry...there was no other reason.

Papyrus bent over and put his fists together out in front of him.

She was right, SANS was right, I HAVE lost my mind.

I'm not sure when it happened, but this is undeniable proof that I've gone mad.


At what point had I become such a beast? A creature unable to solve his problems without the use of violence?


"are you okay? you look..."

He looks so broken...

"I am fine, Brother, I just..nyeh heh heh..."

It doesn't matter when it happened.

Soon, one way or another, I'll cease to be.

I'll fade from this world and there'll be one less murderer in it.

Good riddance.

"pap, you're freaking me out. please stop freaking me out."

Papyrus lifted his head and smiled. "I'm sorry Brother, it appears I've gone quite mad...I apologize to you all for strangling your mother before your very eyes, though I doubt the ramblings of a murderous lunatic mean much if anything."


He can see now.

He can see that he's sick.

"If there's anything I can do aside from paying some of your therapy bills, please by all means, speak while you can."


"making jokes in the middle of a mental breakdown? i'm proud of you," said Sans, rubbing his brother's back.

"Middle? I think everyone in this room can agree I've gone waay past the middle Sans. I think I was..eleven? I can't quite recall...*sniff*"


"you know no matter what you do, i'll always love you right bro?"

"Nyeh heh heh, I don't think 'love' is going to piece my mind back together Brother., what I need is an idea. A belief that can change me..." Papyrus wiped his eyes and kept them focused straight ahead, thinking hard.

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