Chapter Fourteen: Patchwork Family

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Frisk took another bite of...whatever was on their plate. Their mum said it was a person, but they didn't know what part they were eating. They had seen steak, but this looked so didn't taste good either.

"Do you like your liver darling?" asked Mummy smiling.

Oh, it's liver.

Frisk nodded and put another forkful into their mouth. They loved their mum so much, they didn't want to make her feel bad.

"If you don't like it, just say so. We know you're human. You probably hate it huh? You'd THINK Mummy would have the common courtesy to give you something else to eat since she loves you so much-"

"Knock it off," said Mummy sternly.

"Yeah! Leave my mummy alone Aunt Monster. She just doesn't want me to feel left out."

"That's right. Excuse the hell outta me if I care more about my baby's feelings than about their health."

"But I's the baby..."

"Even if it kills me I'll just become a Font, so it's okay. Thanks for caring though."

Frisk was lying. They knew they'd never be able to become a Font. Not with THEIR Determination.

"You're such a sweet kid..." said Aunt Monster; she didn't sound sincere.

"I can make you like the food if you want! I made Bad Seed super smart, so I can help you too!" Spiral smiled at Frisk, she looked excited.

"Can you really do that?"

"Yep! I'm super cool! Aren't I Mummy?"

"Yes you are, my little angel."

Frisk took out his FontSearch and scanned Spiral.

Spiral: The Alteration Font

Attribute: Horror

Type: Virus

One of the most valuable and beloved Fonts in the world, Spiral is used in many different jobs and has helped many creatures with their virus, proving that not every Virus Font is destructive.

Their ability to alter the five senses of any and every creature is a bit different than a Verbal Font's as they rely on parasites rather than hypnotic suggestion. Placing a parasite into the creature via physical contact, allows them to improve or damage one of the creature's five senses. They can alter how a creature sees, how they hear, their sensitivity to touch and sound, and can even alter taste buds.

By damaging the senses, they can acquire food, but by improving them they can change lives. There have been reports of the blind being able to see and the deaf being able to hear in some cases. By changing how a person sees and hears things the world and storing the information in the creature's subconscious, even certain cases of retardation can be cured. Because the virus is parasitic, the changes are permanent even after its lifespan is up, making Spiral as endeared as they are feared.

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