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Johnathan was worried out of his mind.   He knew his father and the other were in danger, and he couldn't do a thing about it, but wait.  

Now Tina asked one of the help if he can take her to her father.  Hector agrees to take her.  While Christ looked around for her brother. So he got two camels and they both headed to the ruins.  "I wonder while my Dad took Johnathan with him?" she asked   "Johnathan, isn't that your brother?" asked Hector    "yes that's my little pain in the ass brother.  Why do you ask?" she asked   

"Your brother is not with your father.  When your father left, your brother was still sleeping." said Hector   "So where did he go.  I haven't seen him since I woke up this morning." said Tina    "You know boys, they always are getting into trouble." said Hector   'Dad's not going to like this one bit." she said as they continue on their way to the ruins.

Now at the ruins.    Nelson worker was taking out lots of goods from the tomb.  Lucky Nelson hasn't touched anything yet.   One of his workers that went by the name of Frank, happened to find a beautiful gold Pharaohs ring.  He quickly placed on his finger.  Then he continued digging.  When it was lunchtime he went to the tent to wash his hands, before he eats.  As he was washing his hands, a black dust clouds appear and so did the badly discomposed mummy appear in front of him.  With beetles and maggots coming out of his eyes.   King Torte wasn't a nice mummy, he approached with a  loud roar that sounded like a lion's roar.     Frank bent down to grab the cup that he had just dropped.   

When he bent down and got back up, he noticed the feet first.  Then as he looked up, Frank screamed for his life.  "You like rings, I do too, especially when the ring belongs to me!" said the Torte with a roar of anger as big flys swarm around him.  "You, what the hell are you?" asked Frank while pissed his pants.  

"I will eat your brain first,  I really hope it's a good one." said the mummy as he grabbed him by the neck, elevated him into the air, and Frank's whole body turn liquefied, as the liquid floated through the air then into his mouth.  When this happened, his body had become fuller.  You couldn't see through his head anymore. The mummy's body now had vein vessels and eyes.  Franks body was completely melted and dissolved, then consumed.   All that was left were a few drops of blood on the ground.

"Now I need four more bodies and my body will be complete," said King Torte as he went into a tunnel to reanimate.   The others were waiting for Frank to return to work.  Nelson realized that Frank was missing.  "Hey, has anyone seen Frank." he asked   "That bum is property asleep under a tree somewhere,"  said  Lucas as he then started looking for him, without any luck.

"Mr. Nelson, I've searched every place,  I can't find him anywhere." said Lucas   "Well when he does return, give him his last pay.  I don't need anyone here that doesn't want to work.

"Will do sir.  How do you want me to finish what he started?"  asked Lucas  "Yes, someone has to finish digging." said Nelson   

Lucas went back and started to dig in the same spot that Frank was.    He then found a small gold box.  When he opened the box, there was nothing in it.  But the box was made of gold.  That was a good find for Lucas.  He cleaned off the box and placed it on the side. "This is a nice piece, Nelson will love this find," he said as he continued digging.

Now Tina finally arrived with Hector to the Pharaoh ruins.   "Look I'm going to look for Dad, I'll be right back.  Now don't go far, I don't want to stay here all day,"  she said as she started looking around for her father.      She then saw this cave, she glanced but didn't enter.  As she was walking she slipped on the blood.   Her hands and some of her clothes had blood stains.  

"What is this, oh goodness, its blood.  These men need to clean up after themselves,  If you get cut, clean your blood up, don't leave it for someone to slip on," she said out loud, as she tried to wipe it off on the stone wall.   She noticed her father.  "Hey Dad, over here,"  she yelled as she waved.   Nelson noticed her calling him.   He walked up to her and said, "What are you doing here?'he asked   "Dad, I didn't see Johnathan this morning.  I figure he's with you." said Tina   "No, I left him sleeping.  He should have been with you.  "he said   

"But he is not, he probably up to his old tricks again."  said Tina    "Go back and look for him.   When you do find him, make sure he stays in the tent until I get back."  explained Nelson    "Will do Dad."  she said as she looked around for Hector.   "Tina who did you come with?" asked Nelson     "Hector, did you see which way he went?'asked Tina as she kept looking around, the ruins.      "I'm sure I saw him, talking to Lucas.  Hurry up and go back, do tell your brother his punished, again," said Nelson as he went back to work.     Tina gave her a kiss on the cheek then she looked around for Hector.  She didn't mention the blood to her father.

Now Hector is on the other side, where Lucas was digging.   Lucas had stepped away to use the restroom.    Hector noticed the gold box.  "Wow, this is beautiful and valuable and mine," he said as he placed it in his pocket.     Then Tina noticed him, "Hey, Hector!"  she yelled as she got closer to him.   "Oh, what's up?   Did you find your brother?'he asked   "No, Dad told me to go back, that maybe he is just hiding from me." said  Tina     Then they both hopped on the camel and back to the city they went.    Hector was all smile, he figured today was his last day of work.  What he had in his pocket, will surely feed him for the rest of his life.

Johnathan was losing it, he wanted out of that cell.  He was too young to be locked up like a prisoner.  "I don't know what to do.  The stupid Pharaoh disappeared before telling me what to do.  Everything in its place.  What the hell did he mean by that?", he thought as he continued to look for a  way out of the cell.

Now back at the dig site,

When Lucas noticed the gold box missing.  He kept looking and digging to find it.   "What the hell, did I cover it back up.    Let me asked Nelson he probably saw it and placed it with the other gold."he said as he then walked up to Nelson    "Excuse me, sir" he said   "Yes, Lucas, what's up?" he asked     "I've  found something, but now I'm looking for it and it's gone."said Lucas   "What did you find?'asked Nelson    "A gold box, it was very heavy." said Lucas   "Maybe as you were digging, you covered it back up."  said Nelson,   

"I thought the same thing, but no, it's missing.  I think someone stole it." said Lucas   "Come on no one that stupid.  It'll be hard to sell in the black market." said Nelson   "Did you see anyone, near my dig site?" asked Lucas   "As a matter of fact, I did see someone.   Hector." he said   "So where is he?" asked Lucas    "He took my Tina back to the tents."said Nelson   "When we get back, we need to have a talk with him."said Lucas  "We'll do, now let's focus on the job at hand."said Nelson   Then Lucas went back to continue what he was doing.

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