1. astronaut

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she glided through the galaxies inside my head
trying to form constellations from my dark thoughts;
she orbited my secrets, stars entangling in her flowing hair, as she
watched rays of rare sunlight be eclipsed by dark clouds,
wished on shooting stars, then
waltzed a celestial dance on the rings of Saturn, in a gown woven from satin starlight,
before bathing in the mystical waters of Neptune.
when she came back, breathless, her eyes sparkling like a nebula,
she told an extraordinary tale of a beautiful and radiant moon
whom, she said, could rekindle hopeless and disintegrating stars to their former luminous selves,
illuminate the darkest of velvet nights with an ethereal glow,
and effortlessly restore my mind's sky to a place of safety.
'he is solace. he makes you okay,' she told me, and I knew before she voiced it
that this moon was named after you.

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