Untypical First day of class

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The first day of school, though we hate school, should be full of excitement as this is the day we are able to see our friends after a long time or the day we are able to touch money again as we have our allowances. Well, did you notice how I used the word SHOULD? That is because what I feel right now is so far from excitement. Today is my first day of class in a new school where everyone and everywhere in the place is unknown to me. I didn't like this school but I have no choice. I'am Boo Seungkwan by the way and my student life start again in an unfamiliar school.

Pledis Academy is a prestigious school as this school is known to be only afforded by the richest of the rich in the country. NO. I am not rich. I came from an avarage family, and my parents have to work overseas just to get me and my sister to school. You guys are probably thinking how the hell did I get to enter the school right? Well that's easy..... I used my brain.

Months ago when my parents returned from another country, I heard them talking. It looks like they are having a problem with work and money that may lead for me or my sister to stop school. Of course not wanting for my sister to stop school, I would be willing to do so instead of her. I was thinking like that when one of my friends, Essy, suggested to take a scholarship exam in Pledis Academy as her brother would also take the exam. Having the opportunity to help my parents and at the same time continue my study, I grabbed the opportunity leading to where I am today. In front of this handsome stranger with a very rude mouth.

"Hey you should look where you are walking!" The stranger said angrily.

"But you were the one who bump into me" I said calmly like stating a fact everyone know exept him.

"HAH! Do you know who you are talking to?!" He replied smirking.

"Nope, I am actually a new student here and I am kinda lost so I don't know who you are and don't really have the time to know you cause I will get late" I replied and started walking away.

As I was walking I heard a lot of whispers around me. I probably did fight the wrong person as this person seems to be very popular and I think I might get bullied from it. I don't mind being bullied though, I have prepared myself my whole summer for this as I am of different status, its like a fact to me that it will happen. What I can say though is that I like challanges and so bring it on, I smirked as I thought of that.

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