let the fun begin.... or not

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At hearing the greeting, everyone turned their heads at the unexpected visitor.

Realizing who it was, Woozi and the rest of the gang was shocked.... well except Seungcheol, Jeonghan, and Vernon who were smirking.

"Finally! You showed up!" Jeonghan exclaimed, standing up from his sit going to Seungkwan putting his hands on his shoulder, and acting all friendly.

"After a long search, at last I have found him!!" Jeonghan happily said.

"Everyone!!!" He called the whole student body present at the cafeteria.

"I would like you all to meet Boo Seungkwan" Jeonghan introduced to which put terror to the face of Woozi and Hoshi as they know the cycle will start again. In the meantime, Vernon stand up and join Jeonghan in introducing Seungkwan. "As you all know, we had an incident before, so I decided that I want him as a friend so all of you try to befriend him as well!" Vernon said but everyone understood what it actually meant. It was not a delcaration of friendship but a war, start of another cycle of bullying.

"Ow Goodluck to all of you guys!!" Suengkwan cheerfully said to which suprised everyone.

"why? I am not that friendly you know?" Seungkwan added acting all innocent when it actually meant to say is that "you don't scare me"

before things get more heated, Woozi stood up and said, " why don't we sit down and eat, here Seungkwan! sit beside me" As Seungkwan was about to sit, Jeonghan pulled his chair. He was following Seungkwan. before falling to the ground, he was pulled by Woozi into embraced.

"that was close!!!" Woozi exclaimed.

As Woozi was helping Seungkwan into his seat, he whispered

"what are you doing?" Woozi asked.

"well Seungcheol made a background check on me and threatened me" Seungkwan replied nonchalantly.

"what?!" Woozi exclaimed annoyingly to which Seungkwan just laughed as they have finally settled in their seat. everyone was now looking at him.

"it's okay Woozi, do not worry about me, I am not that easy to be bullied you know" Seungkwan answered, this time louder for everyone to hear.

hearing that, all of them smirk. This game would not end so fast.

The rest of the day after that eventful lunch went well, safe, and peaceful. It turned out it is the calm before a storm.

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