hide and seek

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"WHAT?! IT'S BEEN A WEEK ALREADY! HOW COME YOU STILL CAN'T FIND HIM?!", Vernon shouted angrily. Everyone in the cafeteria was silent and wouldn't dare to look up. "When Vernon is angry, hide your existence" is the motto of everyone in the school. One way or another he has to vent it out and no one around wants to be the subject of his anger.

"I don't know how he escaped my network of friends too" Jeonghan added, frustration can be traced in his voice. Jeonghan is known in the school to have the largest network of friends. He may be a bully but no one can really hate him for it, even his victims. He may be the mastermind of the ideas but he never really do the did. Plus he talk sweetly to anyone even to the outcasts. He has that charisma that no one could really resist.

Seeing their friends' frustration, made those who knew smirk. They look at each other knowingly, enjoying the scene they predicted it to be.

"Why don't you just stop this hunt then?" Hoshi asked, smirking.


Vernon gave his stern answer.

" I promised that whoever that guy is, I will personally give attention to him, a very special at that!" Vernon added, his words might sounded innocent, sweet maybe, but without a doubt you wouldn't want his attention.

At that everyone in the table, well except Jeonghan and Vernon, laugh...

" why are you guys laughing?" Jeonghan ask while Vernon look at them confused.

"It is just so refreshing to see you like that..." Jun said, smiling.

"Yeah! The last time we see you this active and interested was when he was here" Dokyeom said smiling, but when he realize that everyone in the table stopped smiling and looked at him seriously, his smile slowly faded into an awkward smile. He knows that what he said is something  forbidden.

Well everyone realized that except....

"Yeah, last time was when Jisoo was here..." Wonwoo said. With that, everyone in the table face palmed as they know that the forbidden name has been said. Wonwoo is known as the man of few words. Thise few words are sure to be innocent and honest however not all he say will really be necessary as in this case.

"Ah... is that so?.... anyway I think I'll go in the school garden for a while.. see you later" Vernon said awkwardly and leave.

After knowing that Vernon was out of sight everyone that's left, turn to the two whose tongue slipped, ready to punish them.

"What?" Wonwoo asked innocent as ever.

As Vernon was going to his usual place, the garden's swing, someone was there... not just someone but a familiar face. The person he's looking for this whole week, Seungkwan.

"Hey you! We meet again!" Vernon call his attention.

Hearing someone talked, Seungkwan looked at the source. He was surprised to see him as he knows the effort of Woozi and his friends to hide him from Vernon however he keep his cool and replied "hi".

"Hi? Tsk ... so you are here all along..." Vernon said as he approach Seungkwan. When he is finally in front of the still seated Seungkwan, he grab his collar and force him up.

"Don't you know that I've been looking at you this whole time since we met?" Vernon said.

Being the diva that he is, even though he is not physically good at fighting he  knows that he has to fight back to him.

"Well I know, with this awesomeness in me, no one could really forget about me" Seungkwan answered.

Hearing that unexpected answer with  confidence that is in comparison to no one, Vernon can't help but laugh a little.

Seungkwan looked at Vernon and can't help but think that he is cute. However, Seungkan thought of something as he realized their close proximity position.

"Hey, do you by any chance like me?" Seungkwan said smirking...

At that Vernon was really caught off guard which unabled him to reply.

"Well you see, even though there are girls from other schools admiring you every morning, you can't deny the fact that this is an all-boy's school and this kind of love is normal here... so do you by chance swing that way?" Seungkwan continue.

"N...no.." Vernon answered, suddenly feeling nervous.

Seungkwan seeing the sudden change in attitude, find it amusing and so he continue with what he was doing. He put his arms around Vernon's shoulders..

"Ya..yah! What are doing!" Vernon said panicking.

"Do not worry.... I am not doing anything weird.... what I want to say is that I am not that straight either" Seungkwan said quite seductively...

With that Seungkwan moved closer to Vernon then whispered....

"Will this be your first with this kind of relationship or you have been in a relationship before?" Seungkwan whispered into Vernon's ear.

Hearing that however brought back memory to Vernon. Suddenly Someone flash into his memory which made him mad. Going back to his consciousness he pushed back Seungkwan making him fall to his butt.

"Get away from me! I would never forget this and I will make your life a hell!" Vernon shouted then he hurriedly get out of the place.

"What is wrong with him really?" Seungkan said laughing despite being hurt.

"Actually what is wrong with you?" Woozi said as he get out from behind a tree, laughing as well.

"Oh Woozi how long have been there?" Seungkan ask.

"Well, I've been here long enough to see the whole scene. I thought you would need help but I guess not" Woozi replied laughing.

"Well, he is so fun to tease" Seungkwan said smirking.

"I can't really say who is the bully and the bullied between you two" answered Woozi.

"What do we do he found me?" Seungkwan ask.

"Well, I know for sure that he still doesn't know your name so we are still good" Woozi said grinning.

With that Seungkwan laugh at his friend's sneakiness.

"Where is my cola? After all you leave me here alone to be discovered because of that"

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