A Second Chance

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"Take anything you need"Prestly said,putting more items into a nearby chest.

"Thank you all for being so kind"Jesse said.

"Not a problem,we get kinda sick of each other,so it's good to talk to new people every now and then"Striker said.

"Or every 2 hours,4 minutes and 33.12 seconds to be exact!"Prestly mentioned.

"How does her brain not explode every time she opens her mouth?"Ghoul asked.

"Oh,yeah yeah,very clever!"Prestly snapped.

Thirty seconds later,this turned into a fully blown argument.

"What are you two fighting about now?"Griffin asked,walking in.

Behind her,there was a woman.Someone who was quite interesting.

"Harper?"Ivor asked.

"Well I didn't think I'd be seein' you guys again!"Harper laughed.

"Ivor,is there something you wanna tell Harper?"Jesse asked,smirking.

"Shut up!"Ivor snapped.

"I'll admit it,it's been,what,two hours?I missed you guys!"Haprer said.

"And for some reason,especially you,Ivor!"

Ivor said nothing,and Jesse struggled to keep in her laugh.

"C'mon,Harper!Quit messin' with him!"she laughed.

"I can't help it!He's just hilarious when he's nervous!"Harper laughed.

"Jesse!"Griffin whispered.

"Hmm?"Jesse muttered.

"Can I talk to you in private?"Griffin asked.

"Sure!"Jesse answered.

Griffin led her into another store room.

"You and your friends need to get out of here as soon as you can!"Griffin snapped.

"What,why?"Jesse asked.

"Look,I said me and my friends did something,right?Well.......we kinda created a potion that can respawn people...and we used the wrong test subject!"Griffin explained.

"You what?!"Jesse asked.

"He was the first person who ever dug straight down.We were on our way back from a trip to the Nether when we found his stuff.So we took it back to our old lab and used the potion on his armor,and we brought him back...only problem is,he was a little.....power crazy!He went insane and tried to terrorize the world,so we took away his body and destroyed it,but his soul is still here,and he tries to convince people to let him posses them!"Griffin explained.

"So,you brought someone back from death,he went insane,killed people,you took away his body,but he tries to posses people?"Jesse asked.

"Correct.You and your friends need to get out of here,and take Harper with you!After all me and my friends have done,we deserve worse than death..."Griffin sighed.

"What are you saying?"Jesse asked.

"We found this worlds exit portal a while ago,and we've been protecting it since then.You and your friends can stay here tonight,but tomorrow,you need to go home!Once your gone.......I'll.....I'll turn myself in and tell the authorities that my friends weren't involved in the experiments"Griffin sighed.

Jesse put her hand on her shoulder.

"We're in this together!You and your friends are coming back to our world with us.You can start again there,forget everything that happened here!You can become part of the Order Of The Stone if you want!"Jesse suggested.

"Are you sure?I don't want to hold any of you back!"Griffin said.

"Of coarse I'm sure!The last world me and my friends visited,we met Em,and she stuck with us.You could even make your own kind of Order!"Jesse answered.

Griffin smiled.

"Thanks Jesse.That's the best offer we've ever been given"she said.

They both walked back to the group.

"Guys,we have an announcement!"Griffin said.

"What is it?"Prestly asked.

"Tomorrow,Jesse and her friends,Harper,and all of us are going through the portal,and going to Jesse's world!"Griffin announced.

Everyone got excited,and seemed to look forwards to it.Harper walked over to Jesse.

"Are you sure your okay with me going with you after all the trouble I caused you?"she asked.

"Harper,we want you to come with us!Your one of us,whether you like it or not"Jesse laughed.

"Plus,Ivor talks about you a lot..."

"He talks about me,hmm?What does he say?"Harper asked.

"All good things,all good things.But I can tell you this,he thinks your amazing!"Jesse whispered.

Harper playfully rolled her eyes.She walked over to Ivor and started to chat with him about this and that.

"Thanks for giving us a second chance,Jesse.It's a lot more then we've had in a long time"Griffin sighed.

"No man left behind!"Jesse said,smiling.

*Time skip,about one AM*

Lukas walked down one of the many,many halls.He was already lost!He looked around,trying to figure out where to go,when he heard a voice in his head.

"Hey Lukas!"

"Who's there?!"Lukas panicked.

"Calm down,it's just me..."

"I swear,Axel,this isn't funny!"Lukas snapped.

"This isn't a joke,Lukas..."

"Jesse told you to stop pranking me!"Lukas snapped.

"I didn't want to do this by force..."

Suddenly,Lukas felt an awful pain in his head.He put one hand against the wall for support and tried to get over the pain.Suddenly,everything went black.Then,something odd happened.He saw what looked like the room he was in,but it was on a screen,like he was watching it instead of being there.It was a strange place,and he was confused,and scared.

"JESSE!"he yelled,trying not to panic.


Wherever Lukas was,Jesse wasn't there,and neither was anyone else...

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