Please Don't Die?

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Harper,Ivor,Soren,Notch and Gabriel hid in the empty doorway.Em,Petra,Olivia and Axel were hiding in a tree.Jesse was standing in the middle of the road.They planned things out.They had the potion,the apple,and the place.Now all they needed was the zombie.

"HEY!"Jesse yelled.

The crowd of zombies turned around.It was presumably Magnus who came after Jesse first.

Jesse ran through the now abandoned streets,thousands and thousands of zombies chasing after her.She darted into an ally,not stopping for a second.Most of the zombies lost her,but some of them followed.Jesse looked back and saw the Magnus zombie chasing her.This was perfect.Jesse ran to an intersection.Griffin ran out of one.

"Where's Jason?"Jesse asked.

Suddenly,and ear splitting scream was heard,and Jason came running out of one of the intersections with a zombie behind him.This one was wearing jeans and a lab coat.

"Jae?"Jesse asked flatly.

"Yeah"Griffin answered.

"You know what to do,right?"Jesse asked.

"Of coarse!"Griffin answered.

Jesse smiled,and ran down one of the intersections.She peeked from behind the corner to see Griffin running from the gang of zombies behind her.Jesse lunged out and grabbed Magnus,pulled him backwards,and put a gag in his mouth.Petra,Axel,Olivia and Em ran towards Jesse.

"Where's Griffin?"Olivia asked.

"She's distracting the zombies"Jesse answered.

"And where's Magnus?"Petra asked.

"What?He's right behind m-"

Suddenly,something heavy fell on top of Jesse.She glanced through her hair to see Magnus on top of her,about to bite!Jesse screamed and kicked to get out of the zombies grasp,but it was no use.Magnus tore off one of her gloves and proceeded to bite her hand,when a red blur kicked him off of Jesse.Petra and Em helped Jesse up,and looked to see what was going on.

Ellegaard had Magnus pinned against a wall,a sword at his throat.Jesse bolted towards them,taking her sword out of her inventory.Suddenly,Magnus ripped off Ellegaard's armor and bit her shoulder.Ellegaard shrieked in pain,Magnus's teeth sinking deeper and deeper into her flesh.Jesse grabbed Ellegaard from behind and pulled her away.She held her sword tightly and slashed Magnus right across his arm.But that didn't stop him!Jesse drove her sword directly through Magnus's hand and jammed it into the wall behind him.Petra grabbed her sword and did the same with the other hand.Olivia grabbed her bow and arrow and shot Magnus in his legs,and the arrows went straight through and pinned him to the wall.Em took to pieces of iron from her inventory and put the onto Magnus's feet to make him stop kicking.Petra,Olivia and Em glared at Axel.

"What?"he asked.

"Oh yeah,let the woman do all the work!"Petra growled.

"You could have helped,Axel"Em snapped.

"You're the worst boyfriend ever"Olivia sighed.

"Ellegaard!"Jesse exclaimed.

She ran over to Ellegaard,kneeling down.Ellegaard looked pale,and dizzy.Jesse looked at her shoulder.It was a horrible sight!The veins around it were turning a sickening green color,and skin was purple and blue.Jesse put her arm under Ellegaards shoulder and hoisted her up.

"We need to get out of here"she said.

"And go where?The whole city is full of zombies"Axel said.

"Remember the plan!We get Magnus to Jae's lab and use that apple potion thing on him!We should be able to find something that'll help Ellegaard there"Jesse explained.

"Jesse......."Ellegaard said,struggling to breath.

"What is it,Ellegaard?"Jesse asked,very worried.

"Please....leave me....I'll never make it...Take Magnus back to the lab and help him.....please....."Ellegaard begged.

"We're not leaving you behind!We cane find something that'll help you at Jae's lab!"Jesse replied.

"C'mon,Ellegaard!We haven't come all this way to loose you know"Petra said,carefully putting her arm under Ellegaards infected shoulder.

"We'll get Magnus back to the lab,you guys get Ellegaard there,hurry!"Olivia said.

Petra and Jesse walked as fast as they could,through the empty streets.The green fluid was becoming visible in all the veins in her left arm,and even in her neck!

"Jesse,we need to get to the lab,now!"Petra mentioned.

Jesse looked around for any way they could get to the lab faster,when she spotted something white out of the corner of her eye.There was a horse,struggling to free itself from reins.Jesse smiled.

"Go help the guys out with Magnus,I'll get Ellegaard to the lab!"Jesse ordered.

Petra nodded,slowly let go of Ellegaard and ran back to the others.Jesse helped Ellegaard onto the horses back and took it's reins off.

"Please don't throw us off?We're in a very big hurry"Jesse mentioned,smiling.

She almost thought the horse nodded!Jesse got onto the horses back,in front of Ellegaard.She could feel her friends weak,limp body resting on her back.Without a warning,the horse galloped away.Jesse struggled to keep it under control,but tried her best to stay calm.There was only one thing on her mind right now.What were they going to do when they saved Magnus?Suddenly,Jesse felt Ellegaard fall.She managed to grab her just before she slipped off the horse.

"Please don't die Ellegaard!"Jesse begged.

"Magnus needs you,remember?!You need to make sure he doesn't get himself killed!Again!"

Ellegaard seemed to understand,and straightened up slightly.She gently wrapped her arms around Jesse from behind,making sure she wouldn't fall again.

"Don't worry,Ellegaard..."Jesse said.

"I won't let you die!"

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