Friendships And Fandoms

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"JESSE,STOP!"Petra yelled.

She pulled Jesse back before she had the chance to hit the pig.

"Petra!What are you doing?!"Jesse demanded,struggling to escape her friends grasp.

"That's RUEBEN!We can't KILL him!"Petra replied.

"Petra,that's a ZOMBIE,it'll kill US if we don't stop it first!"Jesse snapped.

"Jesse,think about hwat your doing!That's Rueben!We can't kill him!"Olivia insisted.

"Yeah!We could help him,like how we helped Magnus"Axel agreed.

"That's a zombie.We need to take it down"Griffin replied,walking over.

Olivia,Petra and Axel stood in her way.

"Move,now!"Griffin snapped.

"We won't let you hurt Rueben"Olivia replied.

"Guys,I don't know who 'Rueben' is,but that's a dead pig,and we need to destroy it"Em said.

"I agree.That thing will take us out one by one if we don't get rid of it!"Cassie snapped.

"I can't believe I' saying this,but Cassie's right.That thing will take us down if we bring it with us"Stacy sighed.

"I agree"Dan announced.

"Me too,we need to either kill it or leave it!"Stampy agreed.

"We're not leaving Rueben!"Petra snapped.

She turned around and walked towards the little pig.Slowly,she reached out to rub his head.

"You won't hurt us,right Rueben?"she asked.

Suddenly,Rueben jumped at her.Before she could scream,he bit her hand.Petra stumbled back,gripping her hand.Everyone backed away,except for Olivia.She put her hand on Petra's shoulder,begging if she was okay.Petra slowly turned around,dragging her feet in the gravel.She faced Olivia with pitch black eyes.

Olivia shrieked as Petra grabbed her.One minute later,she ripped a huge chunk of flesh from her neck.Blood trickled down Olivia's armor as she struggled to breath.Axel screamed and yelled.He grabbed Petra,resulting in her biting him repeatedly in his arm.Axel screamed and panicked before calming down,his eyes turning as black as Petra's.

He faced everyone else,grinning.It was a terrifying sight.

"Run"Griffin said.

"What?"Dan asked.

"RUN!"Griffin yelled,turning around and sprinting.

Everyone followed her,but Axel and Petra ran after them.Stampy was at the back,struggling to keep up with everyone else.Suddenly,something grabbed his ankle.He slipped,falling face first onto the hard ground.He screamed in panic,clawing at the ground,frantically searching for something to grab.He looked over his shoulder and saw Petra dragging him backwards.HE screamed louder,begging for help,when somebody came.A soft,gentle hand grabbed his and pulled him away.Stampy looked up and saw Stacy,struggling to pull him free.He looked at her feet and saw her slipping.He was about to tell her,when her knees buckled and she fell.They were dragged back a few feet,when Cassie ran back to them!She grabbed Stacy ankle and pulled.Soon enough,she was followed by Dan,who grabbed Stampy's free arm and pulled him back.Stacy let go and ran at Petra.She pushed her out of the way and pinned her to the dirt.

"RUN!"she screamed,fighting to keep Petra from biting her.

Cassie and Dan pulled Stampy up and ran.Stampy looked back,just in time to see Axel grab Stacy and drag her away,kicking and screaming.Stampy wanted to go back for her,but he knew it was no good.He couldn't fight Petra and Axel.Not now.Not when they were being controlled by that thing!

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